Describe the causes of the energy crisis of the 1970s and explain how it produced more environmental awareness Describe the elements of Ronald Reagan’s program as president and explain why he was...

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Describe the causes of the energy crisis of the 1970s and explain how it produced more environmental awareness Describe the elements of Ronald Reagan’s program as president and explain why he was only partially successful in implementing it Describe the modern era of globalization and explain the impact of multinational corporations, financial deregulation and then rise of the Internet on it Explain the impacts of 9-11 and the war in Iraq on the US during the presidency of George W Bush
Answered Same DayDec 08, 2021

Answer To: Describe the causes of the energy crisis of the 1970s and explain how it produced more environmental...

Somudranil answered on Dec 09 2021
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a) The consumption of oil in the year 1970s was ousting in form o
f gasoline as well as other products. It kept rising however the domestic production pertaining to the oil continued to decrease (Mohammadi). This led to the ensuing dependence pertaining to the oil coming from the abroad. Now the energy crisis was the resultant situation of two events that took place in the middle east and the war of Yom-Kippur in the year 1973 as well as the Iranian revolution taking place in the year 1979.
This changed the perception of our conception relating to the environmental awareness. Now the environmental factors led us to consider the situation of petroleum exporting countries and the cartel and that led to the ensuing prices of gas earlier in the 1970s. Now the events had been instrumental in placing environmental advocacy. Since the resource scarcity led to us to gain an understanding of sustainability factor in the face of resource degradation.
b) Ronald Republic functioned as conservative Republic and he...

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