Deliverable 1: Once you have found all variables that may explain loan repayment,prepare a document(in Microsoft Word),and save itas "Project 1: Lending Club Loan Analysis FirstName LastName...

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  1. Deliverable 1: Once you have found all variables that may explain loan repayment,prepare a document(in Microsoft Word),and save itas "Project 1: Lending Club Loan Analysis FirstName LastName (inserting your first and last name).Titlethe first section of the document "Dependent and Independent Variables." Next, within the document,identify and type the namesof the dependent variable and at least five proposed independent variables that you think explain loan repayment.

  2. Deliverable 2: In the second section of your report (after Deliverable 1),prepare a descriptive analysistitled "Descriptives" that includes a screenshot of descriptive statistics for all the proposed dependent and independent variables. Using the data analysis toolpack, predict how the independent variables might relate to the loan repayment. For example, we would predict a negative relationship between "dti" (the debt-to-income ratio) and loan repayment because the more debt you have, the less likely you'll be able to repay a loan.

  3. Deliverable 3: Starting in the third section of your report after Deliverable 2,prepare a descriptive analysistitled "Transformation" that includes a description of an additional variable you transformed from a non-numeric to a numeric variable.

  4. Deliverable 4: In the fourth section of your report after Deliverable 3,prepare an analysistitled "Analysis" that includes:

    1. Screenshots of at least two pivottable analyses and your interpretation (at least 100 words).

    2. Screenshots of the output of at least two correlations between the dependent (Loan Paid) and one independent variable. What is your interpretation of the findings?

    3. Screenshot of the results (output) of the regression, including the dependent (Loan Paid) and all of your proposed independent variables.

      1. What is your interpretation of the findings?Hint: In general, if thet-statistic is greater than 2, it is likely a significant variable in predicting loan repayment.

      2. Was the relationship in the direction (positive vs. negative vs. no relationship) different than you anticipated in Deliverable 2?

  5. Deliverable 5: In the fifth section of your report after Deliverable 4,prepare an analysistitled "Final Report" that includes:

    1. An executive summary that is a maximum of one page. This should concisely describe the recommended course of action and the main support for your recommendation.

    2. A report summarizing your findings and any graphs, reports, correlations, pivottables, or regression results to best communicate the findings.

    3. A brief discussion of how these findings might help predict loan repayment in the future, even before a loan is extended.

Notes: This assignment does not require APA. This is a business report and should be prepared as such. It should be single-spaced, easy to read, and thorough. As noted in the details of the project, you are the accounting data analyst for the company. You should write the report as though you are writing it to the management of the company you work for.
Answered 1 days AfterApr 19, 2023

Answer To: Deliverable 1: Once you have found all variables that may explain loan repayment,prepare a...

Himanshu answered on Apr 20 2023
37 Votes
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Dependent and Independent Variables    3
Descriptive Analysis    4
Pivot table    6
Correlation    7
Regression    8
Conclusion    9
Executive Summary
This report will go through the dependent and independent variables and how they effect the lending process. The significance of these factors in loan processing and permitting loan amount and interest rate to the interest. Finally, we discovered a positive link between these variables. We have used certain methodology to check the relationship among these variables namely, Regression Analysis, Descriptive Statistics and Correlation with Pivot table analysis. Using both recent and old data, descriptive analytics seeks out patterns and connections. Because it only describes patterns and associations without going any further, it is frequently referred to as the most basic kind of data analysis. Discovering out whether there is a link among variables and then figuring out its strength and course of motion are the main goals of correlation assessment, also known as bivariate. We have evaluated a large amount of data to determine the severity and relationships between
the variables with the aid of these analyses.
Loan Club Analysis
In experimental research, an impartial variable is one that you alternate or adjust to study its consequences. It is named "impartial" due to the fact it's far unaffected by using another research factors. An established variable is one this is altered because of the change of an independent variable. Your independent variable "relies upon" on the final results you're inquisitive about measuring.
Dependent and Independent Variables
Five Independent Variables
Interest rate
Interest rate are the lending rate that is fully independent variable since rates are carried out by the government to lend money in the economy it is not related to any individuals.
Grade of the employee job is set by the job profile not related to any loan procedure.
Employee length
Employee total work experience is what counts here to analyze the persistence of the employee in an organization.
Home ownership
Ownership of the home is actually a important deal in financing.
Annual income
Annual income of the individual is also an important thing but it is not reliable on the loan procedure.
Dependent Variables
Loan Amount
Loan amount is decided by the loan manager. Hence, it is fully dependent on the procedure.
Funded amount investment
Funded amount also dependent on kind of risk profile individual has.
Term of the loan is also decided by the Risk profile of the individual.
Loan payment is also decided by the loan procedure and protocols
Sub Grade
Sub grade is dependent on the Loan category.
Descriptive Analysis
    funded amount investment
    int rate
    Standard Error
    Standard Error
    Standard Deviation
    Standard Deviation
    Sample Variance
    Sample Variance
    Standard Error
    Standard Deviation
    Sample Variance
    Standard Error
    Standard Deviation
    Sample Variance
Transformation of the Data
    Standard Error
    Standard Deviation
    Sample Variance
Pivot table
We may get an estimate of the total loan amount available for different experience individuals with varied interest rates using the table above. This table will demonstrate the significance of employment perseverance in the financing process.
We can assess the amount possessed by the various kinds of individuals in terms of living standards using the table above.
Each column heading is transformed into a selection of records that the user may readily manipulate in a pivot table, which performs the unique discipline of statistics for the user.
Records-containing columns can be easily deleted, added, or moved in any direction inside the table. Here, lengthy tables of uncooked data may be condensed into understandable summaries.
There are several ways to summarise data using frequencies and averages.1. Ease of use
A pivot table's key benefit is how simple it is to use. By moving the columns to the standout areas of the table, you may quickly summarise the data. The mouse button may also be used to alter columns.
Data analysis
Excel pivot tables allow you to manage enormous volumes of data at once. These tables provide you the ability to sort through hundreds of statistical data points and compile the information into simple, quantifiable findings. never again feel threatened by a large table.
Facts Summary Finding certain rows and columns can occasionally be challenging. You may use pivot tables to condense information into a single, simple graph. Users can insert and label information in rows and columns in accordance with their preferences and needs.
A pivot table may be used to manipulate data to display any possible styles. This can aid in producing precise statistical forecasts.
Brief messages
Using pivot tables, reporting is both simpler and more effective. It can save hours of tedious manual reporting of artwork. Additionally, it offers quick access to to outside resources.
Making decisions
Making quick decisions without compromising the precision of the quantitative fact requires the use of pivot tables.
Last but not least, pivot tables are a need for every business analyst, financial expert, marketer, revenue manager, or senior executive who wants to have an influence on the bottom line of their organisation.
    Funded amount investment
    int rate
    Funded amount investment
    int rate

    int rate
    int rate
    Loan amount
    Loan amnt
A statistical term known as correlation describes how closely different variables move in unison with one another. A positive correlation is said to exist between two variables if they move in the same direction. They have a negative correlation if they travel in the opposite directions.
Because they may be used to predict future trends and manage risk in a portfolio, correlations play an important role in finance. These days, correlations between properties may be easily computed using a variety of software programmes and internet sites. The development and pricing of derivatives and other complex economic devices depend heavily on correlations, along with other statistical norms.
The idea of correlation is frequently employed in modern finance. For instance, a trader can utilise previous correlations to forecast whether a change in hobby prices or commodity costs will cause a company's shares to rise or decline. Additionally, a portfolio manager can try to lower their risk by making sure that no single asset in their portfolio has an excessively high correlation with another.
    Regression Statistics
    Multiple R
    R Square
    Adjusted R Square
    Standard Error
According to the data, we can conclude that an individual's yearly income has a greater influence on the loan manager's amount decision. A higher T statistic indicates a significant link between the variables. R square is also 71%.
In statistics, a scalar dependent variable y and one or more explanatory factors (or independent variables) designated X are modelled using a linear technique called linear regression. Simple linear regression is used when there is only one explanatory variable.
Analyses using linear regression determine whether one or more predictor variables adequately account for the dependent (or criterion) variable. Five major hypotheses underlie the regression:
connection that is linear
Normality across variables
minimal to no multicollinearity
zero autocorrelation
When there are numerous independent factors in a regression, the coefficient indicates the predicted increase in the dependent variable when one of the independent variables is increased while keeping the other independent variables constant.
The statistical indicator of how closely the data resemble the fitted regression line is called R-squared. For multiple regression, it is sometimes referred to as the coefficient of determination or the coefficient of multiple determination.
The fraction of the response variable variance that is explained by a linear model is the simple definition of R-squared. Alternative Formula: R-squared = Explanated Variation / Total Variation
R-squared ranges from 0% to 100% always:
0% means that no variability in the response data around the mean is explained by the model.
100% means that all of the variability in the response data around the mean is explained by the model.
We may draw the conclusion that the loan application process is entirely based on a few factors that are crucial to comprehend in order to determine the reliability of the customer. In order to speed up the application process, decrease inconsistencies, give a comprehensive image of the property, and detect any red flags and blockages, legal verification is a crucial step in the home loan process. The loan application procedure requires legal confirmation.
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