Answer To: Individual Assignment Handout FSET TNE30022/TNE80001 Individual Assignment Version 3.1. Semester 2,...
Amit answered on Oct 05 2021
Title of the assignment: Design and Management of Networks
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Course title: TNE30022/TNE80001
Date: 10/7/2020
Table of Contents
1. Background and Drivers 4
2. Introduction to telecommunication industry in Australia 4
3. Australian demographic and geographic context for telecommunication industry 5
4. National NGN and supporting drivers 6
5. Benefits, objective and key characteristics of new telecommunication design 7
6. Overview of design 8
7. Conceptual diagram of proposed telecommunication network 8
8. Benefits, objective and key characteristics of proposed design 10
9. Layer based technology implementation 11
10. Functionalities of maintained layers 12
11. Service delivery model for proposed design 13
12. Core network design 14
13. High level network design 14
14. Selected technology and reasoning 15
15. Justification of selected technology for service area 17
16. Access network Design 18
17. Selected technology 18
18. Justification of selected technology. 19
19. QoS Design 19
20. Service guarantee with QoS model 20
21. Implementation mechanism of used QoS model 21
22. Service and infrastructure management design 22
23. Network and service management environment 23
24. Implemented tools and their description 24
25. Functionalities of available tools in market 26
26. Conclusion 27
27. References: 30
1. Background and Drivers
2. Introduction to telecommunication industry in Australia
Australia is very large country and has very distributed telecommunication network across its different cities. The complete services of broadband, radio, telephone and also television are maintained by the telecommunication network set by the Australian government and different private organizations. Most of the Australian population lives on long distance because of its large geographical size, so, maintaining communication among citizens is only possible with the well defined telecommunication network. Australian government has developed regulation authorities which keeps close eyes on the telecommunication network and new possible requirements. In 1901, the initial telecommunication network among six different Australian colonies is started. Before that in 1879, the telephone service is started in Melbourne city. But the actual implementation of telecommunication in Australia is started in 1914 when the use of trunk lines is started among different Australian cities. The telegraph conversation (which is radio based) acts as the milestone to start the telecommunication services in Australia.
The currently used telecommunication network in Australia is based on fibre optic, satellites and submarine cables. Most of the Australian cities are using satellite and submarine cables to maintain their internet communication. To maintain the internet connections, most of the Australian cities are using DSL, ISDN and hybrid fiber cables. Many organizations like Telstra are working in the same area to maintain high speed telecommunication for the Australian citizens. The implementation of FTTN and wireless broadband is showing the importance of telecommunication network in Australia. Most of the Australian homes are connected with high speed fibre network and maintaining speed of more than 1000 MBPS for their users.
3. Australian demographic and geographic context for telecommunication industry
The implementation of any new telecommunication network is based on the calculation of consumers or target audiences. The current records shows that around 25000000 peoples are currently living in Australia. It shows that nearby 3 citizens are living in one kilometer area as total area of Australia is 7682300 Km. In Australia more than 90% of their total population lives in Urban areas, so, area wise density of Australian population is shown in below map:
The table to show the increased population on bases of current growth rate is provided below:
Calculated population
Growth rate
Density per people
This complete calculation is based on the growth rate of last four years. By making this calculation, the requirement of new telecommunication implementation can be calculated. The change in density of Australian population will lead to changes in telecommunication network. All the eight states of Australia are also maintaining different populations, thus, table showing state wise population in Australia is:
Name of Australian State
Current population in millions
Northern Territory
Capital Territory
Tasmania state
South Australia
Western Australia
Queensland state
Victoria state
New South Wales
Thus, based on this demographic and geographic context of population, the telecommunication industry can plan any new implementations.
4. National NGN and supporting drivers
The NGN (Next generation network) are mainly developed to improve the wealth for the social and economic drivers of the country (Australia). The improvement in business activities and better services to Australian citizens are other important drivers which are supporting the national NGN for Australia. The improved services to Australian citizens will require huge infrastructure changes. As Australian government is mainly focusing on PLMN networks developed with help of PSTN technology which is creating challenges of improper resource utilization and increased cost. The increased data consumption is also causing QoS issues. The currently maintained QoS and migration to new national NGN (PLMN networks developed with help of PSTN technology) are not allowing smooth services. Thus, this migration is also acting as the supporting driver to develop new national NGN. The changed capabilities for maintaining broadband services to Australian citizens is also important driver making requirement of new NGN. The low ICT access in rural areas of Australia is also important issue. The newly proposed NGN will help in improving the social infrastructure and broadband services as well. The migration issues with PLMN networks developed with help of PSTN technology to currently used telecommunication infrastructure will also be resolved with it. It will open new doors for ICT services to Australian citizens.
5. Benefits, objective and key characteristics of new telecommunication design
The new telecommunication design to Australian citizens will bring huge benefits to them. This new implementation will maintain core, aggregation and access layers for its final implementation. The points showing main benefits, objective and key characteristics of new telecommunication design to Australian government and its citizens are:
· Improved ICT services on end points: This new network design will provide improved ICT services to Australian citizens.
· Fast broadband services: The new NGN will provide fast broadband services to Australian citizens. This will help in improving the business activities as well. The download and web access speed will also be improved by it.
· Reduced cost: The current telecommunication infrastructure based on PLMN networks is very costly implementation to Australian government. The installation cost can be reduced by implementing newly proposed NGN.
· High control on provided services: Telecommunication industry provides different services like DNS, broadband etc to its users. The implementation of new NGN will provide high control on all provided services to Australian government.
· Effective application execution: The new NGN can easily restrict the execution of any specific application. The restricted access among switching providers will lead to cutting edge and developing a well controlled NGN for the Australian citizens.
6. Overview of design
7. Conceptual diagram of proposed telecommunication network
The proposed NGN for Australian cities will help in maintaining better connectivity in terms of broadband network. The use of DMDW with IP aggregation will help in effective implementation of broadband technology and maintaining its services. The MPLS will be implemented in proposed NGN design so that QoS can be maintained for the users of broadband network. The conceptual diagram of proposed NGN or telecommunication network will maintain three different layers. These layers will be access layer, aggregation layer and core layer. Each layer will maintain different functionalities to the newly proposed NGN or telecommunication network. The conceptual diagram of proposed NGN or telecommunication network with these layers is supplied below:
The different components like service providers, mobile network, OSS, legacy network etc are involved in this conceptual design. The DWDM implementation on bases of population in specific areas is shown in this conceptual design. This new NGN will maintain different technologies like FTTx, WiMax, satellite communication etc. based on the requirement of population area. The flexibility to use the services or change in implemented technology will also be provided by newly proposed NGN. The use of fiber or satellite on bases of requirements can be carried out in this new NGN. The implemented three layers will maintain different functionalities for their end users through this proposed NGN.
8. Benefits, objective and key characteristics of proposed design
The traditional telecommunication systems are mainly developed to maintain voice telephones but the modern requirements has changed the use of telecommunication systems. The mobile network implementation, cable TV connections, internet services and voice telephone services are the main categories of modern telecommunication systems. The users are continuously making new demands from telecommunication systems which can only be possible with new NGN systems. These new demands are related to video broadcast services, HD video and audio calls, large data volume and new concept of cloud computing. The newly proposed NGN will include all these as its primary objective and end users can obtain the required benefits from the newly proposed NGN. The changes in network infrastructure will also be required for implementing the new NGN system. The key characteristics maintained with the proposed NGN are listed underneath:
· High scalability will be maintained by proposed NGN to handle the future demands.
· The new NGN will provide flexible services.
· The redundancy will be considered as key characteristic in newly proposed NGN.
· The operations of the new NGN will be software defined.
· All transmissions will be carried out as packets.
· High speed wide range of services will be provided by new NGN.
· The operation and management cost of network infrastructure will be reduced with newly proposed NGN.
· The new NGN will require less space and low transmission cost which helps in maintaining QoS.
9. Layer based technology implementation
The proposed NGN will maintain network layer, access layer and aggregation layers as it layer based implementation. Each layer will maintain distinct functionality and technology implementation. The detailed explanation of each defined layer is pointed below:
1. Core layer: This layer will act as the backbone of proposed NGN. Maintaining the communication among internal and external networks is the main responsibility of this layer. It will maintain MPLS and IP as the main implemented technologies in it. The selection of packets and their trail fixing will mainly be done with MPLS (Multi protocol label switching). The MPLs will find the destination router and determines the path to reach destination router. It uses IP lookups for labeling the final router and assuring packet delivery. The implemented IP technology will help in defining the trailer, possible payload and bit header of the transferred packet. The tasks of CRC with reducing hops will also be done by it.
2. Access layer: The connections of end network users to their service providers like Vodafone will be defined by this layer. It will initiate the exchange of information among user and service provider. This layer will mainly use FTTP, WiMax and satellites for maintaining the required communication.
3. Aggregation layer: The correct implementation of newly proposed NGN by verifying the functionalities of above two defined layers is main task of this layer. The reach ability of both defined layers will be improved by this layer. The geographical locations, covered and access areas will be maintained through this layer. The DWD multiplexing is mainly performed by this layer to assure aggregation of both core and access layers. It...