How do you do 3 and 4 in Python? I have also attached some resources
?/,.;:!{}[]|'\"": line = line.replace (ch, %3D ") return line main() # Call the main function "/>
Extracted text: def main(): # Prompt the user to enter a file filename = input ("Enter a filename: ").strip() infile = open(filename, "r") # Open the file wordCounts = {} # Create an empty dictionary to count words for line in infile: processLine (line.lower ( ), wordCounts) pairs list(wordCounts.items(O) # Get pairs from the dictionary items = [[x, y] for (y, x) in pairs] # Reverse pairs in the list items.sort() # Sort pairs in items for i in range(len(items) - 1, len (items) - 11, -1): print(items[i][1] + "\t" + str(items[i][0])) # Count each word in the line def processLine(line, wordCounts): line = replacePunctuations(line) # Replace punctuations with space words = line.split() # Get words from each line for word in words: if word in wordCounts: wordCounts[word] += 1 else: wordCounts[word] = 1 # Replace punctuations in the line with space def replacePunctuations (line): for ch in line: if ch in "~@#$%^&* ( ) _-+=~<>?/,.;:!{}[]|'\"": line = line.replace (ch, %3D ") return line main() # Call the main function
Extracted text: 3. Write a program called that creates a text file named alice_words.txt containing an alphabetical listing of all the words, and the number of times each occurs, in the text version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (You can obtain a free plain text version of the book, along with many others, from The first 10 lines of your output file should look something like this: Word Count ===== a 631 а -piece abide 1 1[1/4/2012 9:38:26 PM] S- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 able 1 about 94 above 3 absence 1 absurd 2 How many times does the word, alice, occur in the book? 4. What is the longest word in Alice in Wonderland? How many characters does it have?