Deadline is March 14 at 1pm est

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Deadline is March 14 at 1pm est

business law w1 discussion Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used - an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation. Post responses here in public discussion forum.  Put the following in the subject line:  Discussion + your name. Address each classmate by name, and sign your name to each posting, please.  Write in-depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing - refer to the "Winning Discussion Responses" module in Content for examples. Discussion:  Part 1 due Saturday, 11:59 pm ET; Part 2 due Tuesday, 11:59 pm ET Review Content modules: • Writing Introductory Sentences and Paragraphs • Writing Concluding Paragraphs • How to Support Arguments and Positions Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2: • Write in complete sentences in paragraph format. • Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.  • Label parts as appropriate.    • Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font. • Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.   • Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed. • Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, "How to Support Arguments and Positions". Part 1:  
 Background/Facts:  Determining jurisdiction in the courts can be confusing and complicated, but it is an important legal doctrine that businesses cannot ignore.  Jurisdiction can affect business operations and determine business decisions, such as where the business is located and where and how to advertise and market the business.  Where there are questions about possible jurisdiction in the courts, companies should consult an attorney.
 TLG's client, Clean, is facing other litigation and needs advice.  
 Clean is located in Maryland, but it advertises aggressively in all Mid-Atlantic States of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia via the internet, social media, television, and mailings.
 Recently Clean contracted with ABC Corporation (ABC), incorporated in Virginia, to clean ABC's offices in Norfolk, Virginia. ABC paid for the cleaning and sanitizing services but later was dissatisfied with the services and sued Clean in Virginia to recover the cleaning costs.  ABC is trying to decide whether it should file the case in Virginia or Maryland state court. 1. Applying the concept of personal jurisdiction to the scenario facts, discuss why you agree or disagree that the Virginia court has personal jurisdiction over Clean.  2. Applying the concept of personal jurisdiction to the scenario facts, discuss whether the Maryland court has personal jurisdiction over Clean. •
Answered 2 days AfterMar 11, 2024

Answer To: Deadline is March 14 at 1pm est

Dipali answered on Mar 14 2024
17 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion: Part 1    3
Personal Jurisdiction in Virgi
nia    3
Personal Jurisdiction in Maryland    3
Conclusion    4
Reference    5
Discussion: Part 1
In this case, Clean, a business located in Maryland that ABC Corporation is suing in Virginia for providing subpar cleaning services, raises the question of personal jurisdiction. A court's authority over the parties to a case is referred to as personal jurisdiction, and it is established by a number of circumstances, such as the defendant's interactions with the forum state.
Personal Jurisdiction in Virginia
According to the scenario given, Clean uses mailers, social media, television, internet marketing, and television to advertise and do business in Virginia and other Mid-Atlantic states. "Minimum contacts" with the state of Virginia are what these activities include (Nash, 2020), the concept of minimum contacts was established. The court ruled that in order for a court to exercise personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant, the defendant had to have enough minimum contacts with the forum state so as not to...

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