Database management system Question: Q.No.3. Construct an Enhanced ERD along with Possible entity clusters of the given below system . This describes the business process to publish an academic paper....

 Database management system Question:


Construct an Enhanced ERD along with Possible entity clusters of the given below system.

This describes the business process to publish an academic paper. The author submits a paper to an editor of a journal. The editor first checks whether the paper fit the theme of the journal. If not, the editor rejects the paper. Otherwise, the editor assigns the paper to a number of reviewers. The reviewers review the paper, and write a review. The review is sent to the editor. The editor then assesses the quality of the paper with the help of reviewers’ comments. If the quality is good, the paper will be accepted, and the author notified. Furthermore, the paper is forwarded to the publisher for publication. If the quality is bad, the editor rejects the paper.

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Jun 08, 2022

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