CVE80018 – FINITE ELEMENT METHODS AND APPLICATIONS (2019) Project Summary A four-storey reinforced concrete building is to be designed as an office building in this assignment. The elevation view is...


Project Summary A four-storey reinforced concrete building is to be designed as an office building in this assignment. The elevation view is shown in Figure 1 while the floor plan can be seen in Figure 2. The floor consists of primary beams, secondary beams and columns. The effect of infill masonry wall shall be included in the dynamic analysis using equivalent single strut model. Design Parameter  Slab thickness : 200 mm  Superimposed deadload : 1.0 kPa  Floor liveload : 3.0 kPa  Roof liveload : 1.0 kPa Standards  Use AS3600 for reinforced concrete member design  Load combinations are to be based on AS/NZS 1170.0  Serviceability limit state based on AS/NZS 1170.1 Design Hints  The beam shall be designed by ignoring the contribution from slab (rectangular beam section analysis).  Use concrete strength 32 MPa for all design and reinforcement bar N500 grade.  Foundation is assumed to be fixed Your Task You need to form a group of 2 to 3 people for this project. You are required to design an adequate reinforced concrete section and the numbers of reinforcement bar to satisfy the design requirements. Your report should include: 1. Statement of Standards and references used. 2. Identification of loading parameters. 3. Statement of assumption and limitation in design. 4. Loading calculation resisted by primary beams. 5. Equivalent lateral strut calculation for infill masonry modelling. 6. Development of Strand7 elastic model for building with and without infill. 7. Checking the design requirements for each member using model without infill (bending, shear, axial + bending for column and also deflection limit). 8. Analyse the natural period of the building with and without masonry infill (assume the seismic mass is 1.0G + 0.3Q). 9. Perform pushover analysis with inverted triangle lateral force and construct building capacity curve with and without masonry infill.

10. Check the capacity curve with acceleration vs displacement response spectra of the given seismic records. 11. Time-history analysis for the given seismic records using 5% Rayleigh’s damping constructed based on the first and fourth mode of vibration (plot displacement and inter-storey drift profile).

Notes  In pushover and time-history analysis, the stiffness of RC column shall be reduced by 50% (0.5EI).  The analysis is stopped when one of the base columns has bending moment equal to or greater than its bending moment capacity. The bending capacity is calculated based on AS3600 that includes axial and bending interaction.

May 08, 2021CVE80018Swinburne University of Technology

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