CVE XXXXXXXXXXDesign project 2 1 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Vic, Australia, 3122 CVE20003, Design of Concrete Structures...

Design assignment

CVE20003 2020 Design project 2 1 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Vic, Australia, 3122 CVE20003, Design of Concrete Structures Project 2 – Design of a multistorey concrete frame Semester 2, 2020 Due date: 30th October 2020 Individual Project Weighting: 25% A multi story building is to be designed and constructed in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. A preliminary assessment by the engineer has nominated that a concrete framed building would be most suitable. The engineer has nominated the geometry of the structure as per figures 1 and 2 below. The beams and columns will be rigidly connected using steel reinforcement and should be designed as a moment resisting frame to resist the horizontal forces which will be imposed on the structure due to wind actions (Wu) in the locations shown in figure 1. The columns are fully fixed into footings at their base and footing to column connection can be assumed as rigid for design purposes. All column dimensions should be taken as 500mm x 500mm square in cross section. Each level is to be designed for retail loads (shopping areas, classification D in AS1170.1 table 3.1) using respective dead and live loads extracted from AS1170.1. After analysis by the engineer, dead load (DL) including finishes is to be taken as 15 kN/m and the live load (LL) should be taken as 40 kN/m. A wind loading analysis conducted by the engineer has determined that a constant positive wind load of (Wu) of 50 kN at each level. (a) (b) Figure 1 – Structural frame elevation; (a) wire frame with load actions; (b) elevation depicting column and beam dimensions. A A 2 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Vic, Australia, 3122 Figure 2 – Section A-A Prior to the design of the structural members, an analysis is required to determine the critical design actions such as bending moments, shear forces and axial forces in all members of the frame. The self weight of the RC floor system should be considered in addidtion to dead and live loads derived from AS1170.1 at each floor. The gravity loads should include self weight of the beams, slabs and columns. As the cadet engineer on the project, you are requried to perform the following tasks: Design Task Based on AS1170.0, the designer has determined that two load combinations for ultimate limit state should be used to determine the critical design actions on the structure for later use in design: Ed1 = [1.2G, Wu, 0.4Q] and Ed2 = [1.2G, 1.5Q]. These load combinations have been already setup in the spacegass files which have been provided to you with this project. As a result, you are not required to carry out any analysis for this project but shopuld use the spacegass analysis results to design your various members. Based on the load combination which result in the worst design actions in the member under consideration, determine the following: 1. Design the continuous beams on level 1 2. Design a typical reinforced-concrete column at the ground level for the worst load conditions considering combined actions (this will be for any of the 3 columns). The columns are braced in the out of page direction. All slab, beam and column reinforcements are to be detailed. Sketch plans, elevations and cross sections to demonstrate the type, location and amount of reinforcing steel to be used for the slab (top, bottom, shear), the beam (top, bottom, shear) and column. The task does not require you to calculate any external dimensions of slabs, beams or columns. The architect has set the dimensions of the concrete profile and you are constrained with them. All beam widths and depths have been provided in Figure 2. As a part of the design, you are required to check the adequacy of these dimensions, and document the reinforcement required, in accordance with AS3600-2018. 3 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Vic, Australia, 3122 The following grades of reinforcement and bar sizes are to be adopted in your design: Beams: Flexural N24, N28, N32 Shear & crack control N12, N16 Columns: Longitudinal N24 or N28 Ligatures N12, N16 Design Criteria The following criteria must be adhered to: (a) All concrete to be of 28 day strength ?’? = 32 MPa for RC beams. (b) All concrete to be of 28 day strength ?’? = 65 MPa for RC columns. (c) All reinforcing steel to be class N with 500MPa yield strength (d) All reinforced concrete to be designed for a fire resistance period of 120 minutes. (e) The retail building is located in Hawthorn, Victoria. (f) The slab and beam are to be designed for a deflection limit of 1/250. Important Notes • Start your design by determining the required cover for durability and fire in order to get the effective depths for the slab, beam and columns. • Use the deemed to comply methods for checking the slab and beam deflections. • Ensure bar spacing and general detailing of reinforcement in accordance with AS3600-2018 are followed. • The beam section at mid-span is a T section with part of the slab acting as the flange. Determine the effective width of the flange (bef) in accordance with AS3600. Start your design by assuming that the neutral axis in located in the flange of the beam. • The beam section close to the supports in the negative moment region is rectangular with the tensile reinforcement at the top of the section and the bottom of the beam in compression. General Instructions All final design submissions must be completed on computation sheets (non-Swinburne University computation sheets are acceptable). The first page of your design must be marked A and is a title page, containing the name of the person(s) responsible for the submission, and the project title. The second page marked B is the index of the succeeding pages of computations and sketches. The following pages should be numbered consecutively, including the total number of pages. For example 4/21, 4 of 21, fourth page of a total of 21 pages. 4 Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Vic, Australia, 3122 The following sequence of paragraph headings is suggested. These depend on the type of structure and load conditions, but they should reflect the logical sequence of gathering of information and its subsequent use: 1. Codes, references, and general requirements 1.1 Codes a) AS3600-2018 – Concrete Structures b) … 1.2 References a) … 1.3 General Requirements a) Concrete Strength b) Cover Requirements 2. Layout (Include a brief description of the structure, sketches, and a marking plan) 3. Loads 3.1 Dead Loads 3.2 … 4. Computation of Design Actions (Load combinations, design loads, BMDs, SFD, etc.). Extract the information from the Spacegass files. 5. Design 5.1 Typical beam 5.1.1 Bending 5.1.2 Shear 5.1.3 Deflection … 5.2 Typical column at ground level 5.3. ……. Submission - There should be a single submission (one report) per person as per above format. - This project accounts for 25% of the total subject assessment.
Oct 16, 2021CVE20003Swinburne University of Technology

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