Customer Question Give the Spanish equivalent of the following English sentences.Write your answers on scrap paper first and revise as necessary. Print or type your final versions in the appropriate...

Customer Question

Give the Spanish equivalent of the following English sentences.Write your answers on scrap paper first

and revise as necessary. Print or type your final versions in the appropriate spaces on the answer sheet

provided on pages 46 and 47 of this study unit. Do not send any scrap paper or notes to the school.

Send in only your final version.

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1. We lost the game.

2. How can that be?

3. I’m looking for a person who knows how to draw.

4. There’s no such person here.

5. On the contrary, I’m not even rich.

6. Then I was mistaken.

7. Don’t worry. For sure the sun will come out tomorrow.

8. I didn’t realize it.

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9. This is a very important matter.

10. I’ll do it as soon as possible.

Your listening comprehension skills will be tested in this examination. The final section

involves listening to a selection in Spanish. The selection for this examination is the sixth

one on the listening comprehension tape (Tape 4L) which came with this fourth shipment.

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Before answering any of the questions on this exam, set up Tape 4L so that the sixth selection

is ready to play when you are ready to work on the listening comprehension section

Part 2—Listening Comprehension

You will hear a story in Spanish. It’s rather lengthy. As you listen to the story, take notes on scrap paper.

Listen a second time, and as you listen, make your notes more complete. In English, summarize the

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story in a composition of between ten and twenty sentences. Print or type the final version of your summary

in the appropriate location on the answer sheet provided at the back of this study unit. Do not send

any scrap paper or notes to the school. Send in only your final version.

write a summary in English of the story of

Sirco – part 1 -part 2

Sirco start from beginning on part 2

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I have the audio file if you need it. I can either send it to you by mail or link.

Part 1—Sentence Translation

Directions: Write the following sentences in Spanish.

1. I’m very proud of my son.

2. He can spell his name backward and forward.

3. What’s his name?

4. How much does a new car cost in America?

5. You must be very rich.

Your listening comprehension skills will be tested in this examination. The final section involves

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listening to a selection in Spanish. The selection for this examination is the fourth one on the

listening comprehension tape (Tape 4L) which came with the fourth shipment. Before answering

any of the questions on this exam, set up Tape 4L so that the fourth selection is ready to play

when you are ready to work on the listening comprehension section

Part 2—Translation

Directions: Write the English for the underlined words.

Temprano un sábado por la mañana, (6) un pescador y su (7) hijo salieron a pescar. Puesto que a los

pescadores no les gusta hablar (8) mucho, (9) los hombres en nuestro cuento estaban tan callados

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como los (10) peces. (11) Solamente al mediodía, cuando las nubes aparecieron en el horizonte, el hijo

le dijo al padre: «Parece que va a llover.» (12) El padre levantó la vista hacia el cielo y movió la cabeza

en señal de aprobación. Pero no dijo ni una palabra. (13) Un día pasó de esa manera. El domingo

tomaron un descanso. Pero como de costumbre, no se dijeron nada. El lunes fueron de nuevo a pescar,

pero todavía en (14) silencio. Así pasaron el martes, el miércoles, el jueves, y el viernes, todos pasaron

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de la misma manera. No fue sino hasta el viernes por la noche, cuando empezó a llover fuerte, que el

padre se secó (15) la frente con su mano y dijo: «Sí, tienes razón.»

Part 3—Dictation and Listening Comprehension

The listening passage for this examination consists of two poems.You’ll hear the poems three times.

These poems are to be written in Spanish as you hear them spoken on the tape. As you listen, write

what you hear on scrap paper. Make any corrections necessary and transfer your final version to the

answer sheet. Send that version only for grading. Do not send your rough copies to the school.

First Poem:

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Second Poem:



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I have the audio file if you need it. I can either send it to you by mail or link.

The sentences are to be

written in Spanish as follows:

1. The king that used to sing is playing the drum.

2. He and she are drinking juice.

3. The princess used to sing.

4. Who does the queen sing with?

5. Where does the queen sing?

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May 06, 2022

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