"Current", tabs shall have numerical values. Value in "Current" tab; Increases when pressed "q" from the keyboard Decreased when pressed "a" from the keyboard Has "A" as unit When a key is kept down...

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Extracted text: "Current", tabs shall have numerical values. Value in "Current" tab; Increases when pressed "q" from the keyboard Decreased when pressed "a" from the keyboard Has "A" as unit When a key is kept down for increment/decrement (lets say for "Current"), the value should keep increasing/decreasing by 1 in every 100 milliseconds That means the value will increase/decrease about 10 times in a second as long as the keyboard key is down It doesn't have to be exactly 100 milliseconds, between 90 and 110 is OK Apply this for all the values that is directly controlled by the keyboard

Jun 09, 2022

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