CSE340 Spring 2019 Project 1: A Simple Compiler! Due: Friday, February 1, 2019 by 11:59 pm MST 1 Introduction I will start with a high-level description of the project and its tasks in this section...


CSE340 Spring 2019 Project 1: A Simple Compiler! Due: Friday, February 1, 2019 by 11:59 pm MST 1 Introduction I will start with a high-level description of the project and its tasks in this section and then go into a detailed description on how to go about achieving these tasks in subsequent sections. The goal of this project is to implement the function a simple compiler for a simple programming language. By implementing this simple compiler, you will do some basic parsing and use some basic data structures which would be useful for the other projects. The input to your program will have two parts: 1. The first part of the input is a program which is a list of procedure declarations followed by a main procedure. 2. The second part of the input is a sequence of integers which will be used as the input to the program. Your compiler will read the program, represent it internally in appropriate data structures, and then executes the program using the second part of the input as the input to the program. The output of the compiler is the output produced by the program execution. More details about the input format and the expected output of your program are given in subsequent sections. The remainder of this document is organized as follows. 1. The second section describes the input format. 2. The third section describes the expected output. 3. The fourth section describes the requirements on your solution. 4. The fifth section gives instructions for this programming assignment and additional instructions that apply to all programming assignments in this course. 2 Input Format 2.1 Grammar and Tokens The input of your program is specified by the following context-free grammar: input → program inputs program → main program → proc_decl_section main proc_decl_section → proc_decl proc_decl_section → proc_decl proc_decl_section proc_decl → PROC procedure_name procedure_body ENDPROC procedure_name → ID procedure_name → NUM procedure_body → statement_list statement_list → statement statement_list → statement statement_list statement → input_statement statement → output_statement 1 statement → procedure_invocation statement → do_statement statement → assign_statement input_statement → INPUT ID SEMICOLON output_statement → OUTPUT ID SEMICOLON procedure_invocation → procedure_name SEMICOLON do_statement → DO ID procedure_invocation assign_statement → ID EQUAL expr SEMICOLON expr → primary expr → primary operator primary operator → PLUS operator → MINUS operator → MULT operator → PLUS primary → ID primary → NUM main → MAIN procedure_body inputs → NUM inputs → NUM inputs The code that we provided has a class LexicalAnalyzer with methods getToken() and ungetToken(). You do not need to change the function. You parser will use the provided functions to get or unget tokens as needed. The definition of the tokens is given below for completeness. To use the methods, you should first instantiate a (lexer object of class LexicalAnalyzer and call the methods on this instance. char = a | b | ... | z | A | B | ... | Z | 0 | 1 | ... | 9 letter = a | b | ... | z | A | B | ... | Z pdigit = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 SEMICOLON = ; PLUS = + MINUS = - MULT = * DIV = / MAIN = (M).(A).(I).(N) PROC = (P).(R).(O).(C) ENDPROC = (E).(N).(D).(P).(R).(O).(C) INPUT = (I).(N).(P).(U).(T) OUTPUT = (O).(U).(T).(P).(U).(T) DO = (D).(O) NUM = 0 | pdigit . digit* ID = letter . char* What you need to do is to write a parser to parse the input according to the grammar and store the information being parsed by your parser in appropriate data structures to allow your program to execute the program on the inputs. For now do not worry how that is achieved. I will explain that in details. 2 2.2 Examples The following are examples of input with corresponding outputs. The output will be explained in more details in the next section. 1. MAIN X = 1; Y = X; OUTPUT X; OUTPUT Y; 1 2 3 18 19 This example shows a program with no procedure declarations (PROC) and a MAIN procedure that does not read any input. The output of the program will be 1 1 The sequence of numbers at the end does not affect the output of the program. 2. MAIN INPUT X; INPUT Y; X = X + Y; Y = X+Y; OUTPUT X; OUTPUT Y; 3 7 18 19 This is similar to the previous example, but here we have two input statements. The first input statement reads a value for X from the sequence of numbers and X gets the value 3. The second input statement reads a value for Y which gets the value 7. Here the output will be 10 17 Note that the values 18 and 19 are not read and do not affect the execution of the program. 3. PROC INCX X = X + 1; ENDPROC MAIN INPUT X; INPUT Y; INCX; INCX; Y = X+Y; OUTPUT Y; OUTPUT X; 3 18 19 In this example, we have a procedure called INCX. When the procedure is invoked, the code of the procedure is executed. In this case, X is incremented by 1. The second invocation also increments X again so the final value of X is 5. The output is the following. 23 5 4. PROC INCX X = X + 1; ENDPROC MAIN INPUT X; INPUT Y; Z = 2; 3 DO Z INCX; Y = X+Y; OUTPUT Y; OUTPUT X; 3 18 19 This is similar to the previous example, but instead of invoking INCX two separate times, we achieve the same result with a do_statement. Z = 2 assigns the value 2 to Z and DO Z INCX; will invoke INCX Z times (with the value of Z equal to 2). For your parser, the parse function do not necessarily return true or false. They can return other quantities. For example it might be useful for parse_primary() to return the token of the primary. 3 Semantics In this section I give a precise definition of the meaning of the input and the output that your compiler should generate. 3.1 Variables and Locations The program uses names to refer to variables. For each variable name, we associate a unique locations that will hold the value of the variable. All variables are initially 0. This association between a variable name and its location is assumed to be implemented with a function location that takes a string as input and returns an integer value. We assume that there is a variable mem which is an array with each entry corresponding to one variable. To support allocation of variables to mem entries, you can have simple location table (or map) that associates a variable name with a location. As you parse the program, if you encounter a new variable name, you give it a new location and add an entry to in the location table with the variable name and location. In order to keep track of available locations, you can use a global variable location which is initially 0 and which is incremented every time a variable is allocated a location. For example, if the input program is MAIN INPUT X; INPUT Y; X = X + Y; Y = X+Y; Z = X+Y; W = Z; OUTPUT X; OUTPUT Y; 3 7 18 19 Then the locations of variables will be X 0 Y 1 Z 2 W 3 3.2 Statements We explain the semantics of each statement in terms of an implementation model that assigns locations to variables and we have described in the previous section. 4 3.2.1 Assignment Statement We consider an assignment of the form ID = primary1 operator primary2 This has the following effect mem[location(t1.lexeme)] = value(primary1) operator value(primary2) where t1 is the ID token for the lhs for the assignment and value(primary) is equal to atoi(primary.lexeme) or mem[location(primary.lexeme)] depending on whether or not primary is NUM or ID respectively. For example, if the input program is MAIN INPUT X; INPUT Y; X = Y + 3; Y = X+Y; Z = X+Y; W = Z; OUTPUT X; OUTPUT Y; 3 7 18 19 the statement X = Y+3 will be equivalent to mem[0] = mem[1] + 3. 3.2.2 Input and Output Input and output statements are relatively straightforward • OUTPUT X is equivalent to cout « mem[location("X")]; • INPUT X is equivalent to cin » mem[location("X")];. 3.2.3 Procedure Invocation A procedure invocation ID ; is equivalent to executing every statement in the procedure at the point of the call. The execution of stmt1 stmt2 ... stmtk P; stmtk+1 stmtk+2 stmtm where P is the name of a procedure declared as PROC P stmt'1 stmt'2 ... stmt'm' ENDPROC 5 is equivalent to stmt1 stmt2 ... stmtk stmt'1 stmt'2 ... stmt'm' stmtk+1 stmtk+2 stmtm 3.2.4 DO Statememt The statement DO ID1 ID2; where the first identifier is the name of a variable and the second identifier is the name of a procedure is equivalent to n invocations of ID2 where n is the value of ID1 at the point the do_statement is executed. If the variable that determine the number of invocations is modified in the procedure body, that does not affect the number of invocations. For example PROC P X = X+1; ENDPROC MAIN INPUT X; DO X P; OUTPUT X; 3 The statement DO X P; is equivalent to P; P; P;. The output of the program will be 6. 3.3 Assumptions You can assume that the following semantic errors are not going to be tested 1. Two procedures declared with the same name. You can assume that all procedure names are unique. So, an invocation of a procedure cannot be ambiguous. 2. You can assume that if there is an invocation with a given procedure name, there must be a procedure declaration with the same name. 3. You can assume that if there is an invocation with a given procedure name, then there is no variable with the same name in the program. 4. You can assume that if there is a variable with a given name in the program, then there is no procedure declaration for a procedure with the same name as the variable. 5. If you want to use an array for the mem variable, you can use an array of size 1000 which should be enough for all test cases, but make sure that your code handles the case when location variable reaches 1000 because that is good programming practice. In addition, you can assume the following that the input will not have recursive procedure invocations. 6 4 Requirements You should write a program to generate the correct output for a given input as described above. You should start by writing the parser
Jan 23, 2021

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