CSCI162 - Lab 09 1
Lab 09: Postx Evaluator
1 Objective
In this assignment you will read and gure out how to use several classes that I provide, write your
own class from scratch, and implement a classic use of stacks.
2 Setup
Create a new Java Project (Lab09). Download the le, unzip it, and place the
les it contains into your project's source folder. You should have the following les:
Token A class that represents a component of an arithmetic expression (a number, an operator, or
a parenthesis).
TokenScanner A class that breaks apart a mathematical expression into individual tokens.
P02TestFunctionality My tests for the class that you will write.
PostfixProgram A very simple program you can run to manually test your code.
You will be using the Token and TokenScanner classes, so you will need to read their method
specications carefully. (You do not need to understand how their methods work, but you do need
to understand exactly what each of their methods does.) You should nd that Token has public
methods named isNumber, isOperator, getNumberValue, and getSymbol while TokenScanner has
methods named hasNextToken, nextToken, and reachedEnd. You also need to use and understand
the StackE> class that comes with the Java Class Libraries, but you should already be familiar
with it.
3 Class Specications
You must create your own class, which must be named PostfixEvaluator. This class has one
required method:
1 /**
2 * Ev a l u a t e s a p o s t f i x mathemat i cal e x p r e s s i o n .
3 *
4 * @param inp u t A S t r i n g c o n t a i n i n g t h e e x p r e s s i o n .
5 * @return A S t r i n g c o n t a i n i n g t h e v a l u e o f t h e e x p r e s s i on , or an e r r o r message i f
t h e r e was a problem .
6 */
7 public static String evaluate ( String input )
It may also contain as many static helper methods as you would like. It should not have
any static variables, instance variables, or instance methods. This method must implement the
algorithm that we discussed in class, using a StackDouble>.
CSCI162 - Lab 09 2
This method should not allow any exceptions to escape it. This means both that you should not
directly throw any exceptions and that if the other methods you are calling throw exceptions you
should catch them. (See section below.) Instead, you should return precisely the error messages
below for the dierent exceptional situations that might occur:
input string is empty or all spaces or tabs "No input."
empty stack when time to pop "Stack Underflow. Not enough operands on stack."
values remain on stack after end of input "Computed answer, but values remain on stack."
evaluation ended before end of input "Computed answer, but not all input used."
parentheses in input "( has no meaning here." / ") has no meaning here."
Note that in order to simplify the TokenScanner class, we do not allow negative numbers in
the input. (One can be created by adding 0 5 - where you wanted -5.)
4 Instructions
It should be possible to avoid any exceptions being thrown, but you can also allow them to be
thrown and then catch them. The following code sample demonstrates the idea:
1 String result = "";
2 try {
3 callADangerousMethod ();
4 result = callAnotherDangerousMethod ();
5 }
6 catch ( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
7 result = "I guess I used a bad argument .";
8 }
9 catch ( IllegalStateException exception ) {
10 result = "I guess I wasn 't allowed to do that .";
11 }
The rst new thing we see here is the try block. If we are going to do something that could
potentially cause an exception to be thrown and we want the ability to catch it, we need to do it
inside a try block.
Then we see that a try-block is followed by one or more catch blocks. If the code in the try
block does not throw any exceptions, all of the catch blocks are ignored. But if the code in the try
block does throw an exception, the rest of the try block is skipped and the rst catch block that
matches the type of the exception thrown is run, then the program continues. If no catch block
matches the exception type, then the exception moves on to the method that called this one, and
continues in that way until it either gets caught or runs out of methods and crashes the program.
5 Grading
AutoLab Problem Points Autograded Description
01 code 90 yes Do all of the methods work?
02 style 10 partial Is the program written with good style?
CSCI162 - Lab 09 3
6 Submitting Your Work
Make sure that you have submitted your nal version of your le to
AutoLab, and that you have 100/100 autograded points.
You do not need to submit your work through D2L { I will look at whatever your last AutoLab
submission is.