CS 304 Homework Assignment 5 Due: 11:59pm, Thursday, April 1st This assignment is scored out of 75. It consists of 4 questions. The first 3 questions are to be completed on D2L as an online quiz....

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CS 304 Homework Assignment 5 Due: 11:59pm, Thursday, April 1st This assignment is scored out of 75. It consists of 4 questions. The first 3 questions are to be completed on D2L as an online quiz. There is a programming question and you will need to put all your Java programs (*.java) as well as output files for this question in the folder named LastName_FirstName_CS304_HW5. Zip this folder, and submit it as one file to Desire2Learn. Do not hand in any printouts. Triple check your assignment before you submit. If you submit multiple times, only your latest version will be graded and its timestamp will be used to determine whether a late penalty should be applied. Short Answers Complete the quiz for this homework on D2L by the due date. You might see there is a time limit of 120 minutes on this quiz but it is not enforced so you can ignore it. Before you complete all questions, DO NOT submit! Doing so will prevent any further changes to the answers. You can save your answers for as many times as you want before submission. Programming Questions P4. (41pts) a. Completing the BST class You are provided with the files "BSTNode.java" and "BST.java". You are required to complete the methods in the latter file to implement a binary search tree. This tree is designed to store only Strings and it does not allow duplicate elements. You need to write the following three methods: add(String v) – This non-recursive method takes a String and inserts it into the binary search tree, keeping the tree ordered (You can use the compareTo method to make comparisons). It does not allow inserting the same element for more than once. inOrder() – This non-recursive method builds and returns a string that represents the in- order traversal of the binary search tree. max() – This method returns the largest element in the binary search tree. You are not allowed to create any additional structures, including but not limited to arrays, stacks, queues, or other trees. evaluate() – When provided with an expression tree, this method evaluates the expression represented by the tree and returns the result. For example, it will return 108 if the root of the tree on the right is passed into the method. This is because (15 + 21) ∗ 3 = 108. Note that you are only supposed to touch the above methods. You are NOT allowed to create any other methods, instance variables, or make any changes to methods other than these methods or files other than "BST.java". Points will be taken off if you fail to follow this rule. b. Code Testing You are provided with a test driver implemented by "TestBST.java" (Do not make any changes to this file!) so there is no need to write your own. Once you have completed the methods, you can run the test. You should create a plain text file named "output.txt", copy and paste the output (if your code crashes or does not compile, copy and paste the error messages) to this file and save it. Grading Rubrics: Code does not compile: -10 Code compiles but crashes when executed: -5 Changes were made to things other than the required methods: -5 add was implemented in a recursive way: -9 inOrder was implemented in a recursive way: -9 max used additional structures: -9 Has output file: 5 Code passes 12 test cases: 36 (each test case worth 3 points) Sample Output: Test 1: inOrder() ==> [Passed] Expected: 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 Yours: 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 Test 2: size() ==> [Passed] Expected: 8 Yours: 8 Test 3: max() ==> [Passed] Expected: 9 Yours: 9 Test 4: inOrder() ==> [Passed] Expected: ab ac ae bc bp ck de dg eh Yours: ab ac ae bc bp ck de dg eh Test 5: size() ==> [Passed] Expected: 9 Yours: 9 ... Test 12: evaluate(root), where root points to "/" in the following tree ==> [Passed] / / \ * + / \ / \ - + 8 15 / \ / \ 33 44 27 19 Expected: -22 Yours: -22 Total test cases: 12 Correct: 12 Wrong: 0
Answered Same DayApr 08, 2021

Answer To: CS 304 Homework Assignment 5 Due: 11:59pm, Thursday, April 1st This assignment is scored out of 75....

Kshitij answered on Apr 08 2021
143 Votes
/*   Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 *   Author: Kshitij Varshney (kshitijvarshne1)
 *   Date: 08-Apr-21
 *   Time: 4:50 PM
 *   File: BST.java
package April.api09_21.SongBST;
import java.util.Stack;
public class BST {// instance variables
    private BSTNode m_root;
    private int m_size;
    // constructor
    public BST() {
        m_root = null;
        m_size = 0;
    // This method returns the number of elements in the tree.
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    public int size() {
        return m_size;
    // This method clears the content of the tree.
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    public void clear() {
        m_root = null;
        m_size = 0;
    // This non-recursive method takes a string and inserts it into the binary
    // search tree, keeping the tree ordered.
    public void add(String value) {
        this.m_root = add(m_root, value);
    private BSTNode add(BSTNode root, String value) {
        if (root == null) {
       root = new BSTNode(value);
            m_size += 1;
            return root;
        } else if (root.getInfo().compareTo(value) < 0) {
            root.setRight(add(root.getRight(), value));
        } else if(root.getInfo().compareTo(value) > 0) {
            root.setLeft(add(root.getLeft(), value));
        return root;
    // This non-recursive method returns a string that represents the in-order traversal
    // of the binary search tree.
    public String inOrder() {
        // create an empty stack
        String s = "";
        Stack stack = new Stack();
        // start from the root node (set current node to the root node)
        BSTNode curr = this.m_root;
        // if the current node is null and the stack is also empty, we are done
        while (!stack.empty() || curr != null) {
            // if the current node exists, push it into the stack (defer it)
            // and move to its left child
            if (curr != null) {
                curr = curr.getLeft();
            } else {
                // otherwise, if the current node is null, pop an element from
                // the stack, print it, and finally set the current node to its
                // right child
                curr = stack.pop();
                s = s + curr.getInfo() + " ";
                curr = curr.getRight();
        return s;
    // This method returns the largest element in the binary search tree. You
    // are not allowed to create any additional structures, including but not
    // limited to arrays, stacks, queues, or other trees.
    public String max() {
        return max(this.m_root); // replace this statement with your own return
    private String max(BSTNode m_root) {
        BSTNode current = m_root;
        while (current.getRight() != null)
            current = current.getRight();
        return (current.getInfo());
    public int evaluate(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return 0;
        if (isLeaf(node)) {
            return Integer.valueOf(node.getInfo());
        int x = evaluate(node.getLeft());
        int y = evaluate(node.getRight());
        return process(node.getInfo(), x, y);
    public int process(String op, int x, int y)
        if (op.equals("+")) { return x + y; }
        if (op.equals("-")) { return x - y; }
        if (op.equals("*")) { return x * y; }
        if (op.equals("/")) { return x / y; }
        return 0;
    public static boolean isLeaf(BSTNode node) {
        return node.getLeft() == null && node.getRight() == null;
/*   Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 *   Author: Kshitij Varshney (kshitijvarshne1)
 *   Date: 08-Apr-21
 *   Time: 4:51 PM
 *   File: BSTNode.java
package April.api09_21.SongBST;
public class BSTNode {// data members
    private String m_value;
    private BSTNode m_left;
    private BSTNode m_right;
    // constuctor
    public BSTNode(String value)
        m_value = value;
        m_left = null;
        m_right = null;
    // member methods
    public String getInfo()
        return m_value;
    public BSTNode getLeft()
        return m_left;
    public BSTNode getRight()
        return m_right;
    public void setLeft(BSTNode left)
        m_left = left;
    public void setRight(BSTNode right)
        m_right = right;
/*   Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 *   Author: Kshitij Varshney (kshitijvarshne1)
 *   Date: 08-Apr-21
 *   Time: 4:54 PM
 *   File: Song.java
package April.api09_21.SongBST;
public class Song {// instance variables
    private String m_artist;
    private String m_title;
    private Song m_link;
    // constructor
    public Song(String artist, String title)
        m_artist = artist;
        m_title = title;
        m_link = null;
    // getters and setters
    public void setArtist(String artist)
        m_artist = artist;
    public String getArtist()
        return m_artist;
    public void setTitle(String title)
        m_title = title;
    public String getTitle()
        return m_title;
    public void setLink(Song link)
        m_link = link;
    public Song getLink()
        return m_link;
/*   Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 *   Author: Kshitij Varshney (kshitijvarshne1)
 *   Date: 08-Apr-21
 *   Time: 4:53 PM
 *   File: SongList.java
package April.api09_21.SongBST;
public class SongList {// instance variables
    private Song head;
    private int m_numElements;
    // constructor
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    public SongList() {
        head = null;
        m_numElements = 0;
    // check whether the list is empty
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    boolean isEmpty() {
        return head == null;
    // return the size of the list (# of Song nodes)
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    public int size() {
        return m_numElements;
    // add a new Song to the circular linked list with the given artist and
    // title, keeping the list sorted by *song title*.
    public void add(String artist, String title) {
        m_numElements += 1;
        Song newSong = new Song(artist, title);
            head =newSong;
        if(title.toLowerCase().compareTo(head.getTitle().toLowerCase())<0 &&
            Song t= head;
            head= newSong;
        if(title.toLowerCase().compareTo(head.getTitle().toLowerCase())>=0 &&
            Song temp = head;
            Song lasAdd=head;
            while(temp.getLink()!= head &&
    // remove a Song associated with the given artist and title from the
    // keeping the list sorted by *song title*.
    public boolean remove(String artist, String title) {
            if(head.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(title) &&
                Song t= head;
                Song one = head;
                    one =one.getLink();
                return true;
                Song t=head;
                if(t.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(title) &&
                    return true;
                Song temp1 = head;
                Song lasAdd=head;
                while(temp1.getLink()!= head){
                if(lasAdd.getLink().getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artist) &&
                    return true;
                Song temp = head;
                    if(temp.getLink().getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artist) &&
                        return true;
                    else if(temp.getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artist) &&
                            temp.getLink()!=head) {
                        return true;
        return false;
    // build and return a circular linked list that contains all songs from
    // given artist
    public SongList buildList(String artist) {
        SongList newList= new SongList();
        Song temp = head;
                newList.add(temp.getArtist(), temp.getTitle());
        return newList;
    // return a string representation of the list
    // Do not make any changes to this method!
    public String toString() {
        String listContent = "";
        Song current = head;

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