. Crossword Puzzle: Digestive System Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues provided. Down Across 1 Secrete insulin and glucagon 3 Causes gallbladder to contract 5 Chewing 8 Teeth...

. Crossword Puzzle: Digestive System Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues provided. Down Across 1 Secrete insulin and glucagon 3 Causes gallbladder to contract 5 Chewing 8 Teeth used to crush and grind food 9 Swallowing 11 Triggered by seeing and smelling food 12 Largest salivary glands 15 Soft palate projection 17 Connects tongue to floor of mouth 19 Cheek muscle 21 Liver cell 24 Tongue projections that contain taste buds 25 End products of protein digestion 26 Removal of wastes through anus 27 Taking in of food 28 Teeth used to bite food 31 Forms bulk of tooth 33 Produces and secretes bile 34 Blind pouch in large intestine 2 Propels food through GI tract 4 Most food absorption occurs here 6 Valve between stomach and small intestine 7 Food tube 10 End product of carbohydrate digestion 13 Semifluid mixture of food and gastric juice 14 Innermost laver of GI tract 16 Allow stomach to expand 18 Aids in absorption of vitamin B 20 Moistens and lubricates food 22 Visible part of the tooth 23 Part of tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels 29 Last part of small intestine 30 S-shaped curve of large intestine 32 Stores bile 35 Increase surface area for food absorption 36 Length of GI tract 37 Hardest substance in the body 38 Firth part of small in testing 208 Oh 14 yeti System E. Crossword Puzzle: Urinary System Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues provided. 11 10 14 17 19 18 22 24 22 26 27 20 Across Down 1 How urine moves through ureter 4 Formed by three openings in urinary bladder 8 Act of expelling urine 10 Cluster of capillaries in nephron 12 Cuplike projections of renal pelvis 13 Transports urine from urinary bladder to outside 15 Functional unit of kidney 1 Where most of tubular reabsorption occurs 2 Substance that is reabsorbed by the kidney 3 Connective tissue that encases the kidney 5 Filters blood and removes wastes OLLIOY 6 Allows bladder to expand 7 Urinary bladder capacity in millilitres 9 Takes blood away from glomerulus 11 Epithelial cup that surrounds glomerulus 13 Transports urine from renal pelvis to urinary bladder 14 Inner region of kidney 18 Adipose tissue surrounding kidney 19 Hormone that increases reabsorption of sodium 21 Collects urine as it is produced 24 Hormone that increases reabsorption of water 16 Stores urine 17 Outer region of kidney 20 Controls RBC production 22 Helps maintain normal BP 23 Hold kidney in place 25 Opening of urethra 26 Kidney indentation 27 Expels urine from bladder by contracting 28 Takes blood to glomerulus 29 Transports urine from nephron to minor calyces 219 Sprits 2016 n E. Crossword Puzzle: Reproductive System Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues provided. Down Across 1 Primary female reproductive organs 3 Immature male germ cells 5 Finger-like extensions of a fallopian tube 6 Stimulates ovulation to occur 7 Process of sperm formation 8 Discharge of semen into urethra 11 Egg and sperm cells 14 Produce male sex hormones 17 Outer layer of uterus 19 Provides growth environment for a fertilized e 20 Holds uterus in place 21 Milk production organs 23 Hormone responsible for male secondary sex characteristics 24 Upper bulging surface of uterus 25 Hormone that stimulates milk production 30 Stimulates growth of ovarian follicle 1 Immature female germ cells 2 Where sperm mature 4 Part of uterus that projects into vagina 5 Tube that transports oocyte to uterus 9 Muscle layer of uterus 10 Contains the testes 12 Name of follicle after ovulation 13 Gland that encircles male urethra 15 Hormone that causes ejection of milk from mammary glands 16 Secrete fructose fluid to provide energy source for sperm 18 Transports sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct 22 Milk reservoir 26 Carries milk from lobule to nipple 27 Contains a developing oocyte 28 End of penis 29 Outer area of ovary 31 Produce sperm within the testes 32 Primary male reproductive organ 234 Chapter 16 Reproductive System Courier 2014

May 19, 2022

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