Cross Tabulation-What percentage of households headed by high school graduates earn less than $50,000 (49,900 or less)?
Extracted text: Cross tabulations Problem: The following crosstabulation shows household income by educational level of the head of household (Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2008) Household Income ($1000s) 75.0- 99.9 Under 25.0- 25 49.9 50.0- 74.9 100 or Educational Level Not H.S. graduate H.S. graduate Some college Bachelor's degree Beyond bach. deg. Total 9,961 22,099 20,067 13,787 more 4,207 4,917 2,807 885 3,459 6,850 5,258 2,094 829 1,389 5,027 4,678 2,848 1,274 539 2,637 3,250 2,581 367 2,668 4,074 5,379 4,188 290 1,241 7,822 Total 13, 106 18,490 15,216 10,248 16,676 73,736
Extracted text: Educational level Not HS Graduate HS Graduate Some College Bachelor's degree Beyond bach deg Total Under 25 75.0-99.9 25.0-49.9 50.0-74.9 100 or more total 9961 4207 3459 1389 539 367 4917 6850 5027 2637 2668 22099 3250 2807 5258 4678 4074 20067 885 2094 2848 2581 5379 13787 290 829 1274 1241 4188 7822 13106 18490 15216 10248 16676 73736 ROW PERCENTAGES ONLY CALCULATE ROW PERCENTAGES FOR HS GRADUATE AND BACHELORS DEGREE AND ANSWER PARTS B & C. ROW PERCENTAGES.FOLLOW EXAMPLES FOR OTHER ED LEVELS. Educational level 25.0-49.9 50.0-74.9 75.0-99.9 total Under 25 100 or more =(4207/9961)*100 |3(3459/9961)*100 (1389/9961)*100 (539/9961)*100 =(367/9961)*100 =(9961/9961)*100 Not HS Graduate HS Graduate Some College Bachelor's degree Beyond bach deg Total |=(5258/20067)*100 -(4678/20067)*100 -(3250/20067)*100 -(4074/20067)*100 -(2807/20067)*100 |=(20067/20067)*100 (290/7822)*100 -(13106/73736) *100 I3(1274/7822)*100 =(1241/7822)*100 =(4188/7822)*100 %3D(829/7822)*100 =(18490/73736*100 -(15216/73736*100 =(10248/73736*100 -(16676/73736*100 %3(7822/7822)*100 =(73736/73736*100 Educational level Not HS Graduate HS Graduate Some College Bachelor's degree Beyond bach deg Total 50.0-74.9 Under 25 75.0-99.9 25.0-49.9 100 or more total 42.23 34.73 13.94 5.41 3.68 100 13.99 26.20 23.31 16.20 20.30 100 3.71 10.60 16.29 15.87 53.54 100 17.77 25.08 20.64 13.90 22.62 100