CRJS101-1202B-18 Foundations of Criminal Justice Systems AssignmentName: Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 4-6 pages Details: You are a staffer working in the office of a state senator.The...

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CRJS101-1202B-18 Foundations of Criminal Justice Systems AssignmentName: Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 4-6 pages Details: You are a staffer working in the office of a state senator.The senator has recently been focusing on the state correctional systemthat seems to be a constant target of criticism for an increasingly vocal number of civil libertarian groups. In addition, some recent charges of abuse at a local jail have also caught the attention of the senator.

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CRJS101-1202B-18 Foundations of Criminal Justice Systems Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 4-6 pages Details: You are a staffer working in the office of a state senator. The senator has recently been focusing on the state correctional system that seems to be a constant target of criticism for an increasingly vocal number of civil libertarian groups.  In addition, some recent charges of abuse at a local jail have also caught the attention of the senator.  She is speaking before the state bar association next week and intends to address the ways in which the correctional system may be improved.  She has asked you to prepare a detailed outline on correctional theory in general and then make a series of suggestions on ways to implement some of the nontraditional theories of corrections. Mass incarceration is a generally understood and accepted correctional approach.  However, there is often criticism of the simple warehousing of human beings convicted of crimes.  In the case of violent criminals, there is the need to safeguard society from the likely future criminal acts of a person convicted of the most heinous offenses.  However, even among those individuals, there are schools of thought within the correctional system as to ways in which even violent felons may be rehabilitated and/or treated.  There is even more latitude when it comes to addressing the punitive options for those convicted of nonviolent or even "victimless" crimes. For example, there are arguably different legitimate corrections/societal goals between incarcerating a violent sexual predator or serial murderer as opposed to an individual imprisoned on a felony drug charge because he or she sold narcotics to support a drug addiction. What are the competing theories of corrections prevalent in today's system?  How are the goals of these punishment or rehabilitative strategies different?  Is there data to support one particular approach over another?  Write about at...

Answered Same DayDec 20, 2021

Answer To: CRJS101-1202B-18 Foundations of Criminal Justice Systems AssignmentName: Unit 5 Individual Project...

David answered on Dec 20 2021
130 Votes
Criminal Justice Systems 1
Criminal Justice Systems
Competing Theories of Corrections
Competing Theories of Corrections Prevalent in Today's Sy
Competing theories of correction are aimed at retribution, rehabilitating, incapacitating and deterring an offender. These theories focus on methods of punishments. The Competing Theories include shock incarnation, shock probation, split sentencing, home confinement and electronic monitoring, mixed sentencing and community service and Intensive Probation supervision (IPS) (Bartron, 2010).
Shock incarnation allows for the provision of regimented environmental condition in a military boot camp, which involves strict discipline, physical training and hard labour. This is given to youth offenders and the timeline is a short. The offenders who go through shock incarnation are released through supervision.
Shock probation engages an offender, time in custody such as a prison, but is released by a court order to be put on probation. Probation is a situation where an offender is ordered to abide by certain conditions set by a court of law and is placed under the supervision of a probation officer. The process of getting the court order includes an application by the offender and guaranteed cooperation (Eno & Skeem, 2012).
In Home confinement or house arrest, an offender is legally ordered to always be confined within his or her premises with specified exemptions for leaving the premises. These are exemptions like employment and medical emergencies. The offender is always placed under electronic monitoring for detection of any movement. Mixed sentencing entails being imprisoned, and then afterwards an offender is released through a court order and is put on probation and community service and a probation officer monitors their conduct.
Finally, an Intensive Probation Supervision (IPS) is a type of probation where the offender is keenly monitored by a probation officer. The terms of IPS include regular drug and alcohol testing, five meetings with the probation officer per week, curfew and required employment (Eno & Skeem, 2012).
Differences in the Goals of the Punishments and Rehabilitation Strategies
The goals of punishments and rehabilitative strategies in the Competing Theories of corrections are very different from the traditional ones. The differences include...

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