CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report ITECH3301: Electronic Commerce Systems and Technologies Assignment 2: e-Business Proposal Report and Presentation Due...

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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report ITECH3301: Electronic Commerce Systems and Technologies Assignment 2: e-Business Proposal Report and Presentation Due Date: Week 11, Thursday Report Worth: 20% (20 marks) Presentation Worth: 10% (10 Marks) Objectives This assessment task relates to the following course objectives: • discuss the meaning of e-Commerce from a business and technical perspective • appreciate the business environments conducive to the use of successful e-business applications • compare and report on the types of e-Commerce and their application to business • review the technologies used to deploy an e-business solution • apply an understanding of the development needs of a basic e-business website • illustrate understanding of the design, maintenance, business principles and administration of an e-Commerce site • discuss ethical, social and political issues in e-business Overview You have the task of developing an e-business plan for the client described in the case study below. Your planning document must meet the needs of the client and you may NOT choose to develop a plan for any other client (i.e. business or website). However, this case study is not intended to limit your creativity or the scope of your e-commerce business proposal. Report You must submit a report (as pdf format document) for the client. You may/will need to research a number of different aspects of your proposal, but some of these aspects will not be covered in lectures until Week 10 of semester – however, do not wait until that time to begin this assignment as it will take considerable time, thought and work to be successfully completed. You may refer to any authentic source in conducting your research and all references must be included in your report. You may also employ any analysis or design tool in the preparation of your report – so long as the results are suitable for presentation in the required Word document and are your own work. Presentation You must also present the final design/framework of the e-business plan that you created in your report. The presentation will be done individually and should not be any longer than 10 minutes. When presenting the design of your e-business plan, you need to clearly show how the following components will be addressed/implemented in a successful implementation of the client's ecommerce site. • E-commerce business and revenue models; • E-marketing requirements; • Web or other applications (or links to), within the design; • Customer purchasing and payment system; • Legal, privacy and/or security issues Remember: this is a report intended to convince a company to adopt your proposal. Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business! CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report Case Study: Events Management ATE (Access to Tertiary Education) is a small/medium educational institute based in Adelaide, South Australia, with a web-based operation that assists Australian educational institutions/companies in promoting their programs locally, and internationally at overseas educational fairs. ATE arranges floor space at the educational fairs, as an agent for the fair managers, and assists the educational organisations in organising the construction of a stand for their space at the fair, if required. ATE provides further value-added services, for fees, to the exhibiting educational companies by arranging their travel and accommodation for fairs, organising marketing material for the fair (or for distribution to current and potential clients before a fair), and can arrange hospitality (food, drinks and staff) for the exhibitors to offer visitors to the fair. ATE also organises tickets for exhibitors and clients to the trade fairs and are paid a commission for each ticket sold. ATE are a small/medium owner-operator business with annual revenue of $A150, 000, increasing at 10 percent per annum, and net profits of 40 percent of total sales. The owner, Dr. Rebecca Handscomb, worked as a lecturer in Business Management with 15 years teaching and leadership experience before opening this organization five years before. However, with the ever-changing education industry and global business environments, the future of ATE is uncertain. The main business activities of ATE relate to marketing higher degree educational programs to secondary colleges in Australia as well as overseas. The activities include organising details of contracts with education institutions that would like to exhibit and showcase their programs, and employees who are interested in grooming students. Selling tickets for each trade fair and co-ordinating all these activities with the educational institutions, prospective students, and employers in Europe and South-East Asia are also included in ATE’s business activities. The company has a broad network of government, industry and business-level contacts and engage in extensive marketing campaigns mainly by letters, brochures/flyers and phone calls. All contracts must be signed by the management of the exhibiting educational institutes and ATE is responsible for ensuring all details are complete and correct before being sent to the participating employers and prospective students before deadlines. ATE knows that many of their contacts and many of the employers they target for marketing purposes are already online. ATE receive payment directly from the educational exhibitors: a deposit to exhibit at a fair is taken when a contract made, and payment for the balance of fees to exhibit and CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report for other value-added services made before a fair begins. ATE also receives direct payment of commissions from the education fair managers for visitor ticket and exhibitor floor space sales. To promote the business, ATE also advertise some bridging and English courses to students to facilitate their ability to be admitted by the educational institutes ad taken up to be groomed by employers. Recently, Australian government approaches ATE to launch a program that can attracts regional/rural students of Australia to take part in Tertiary Education. For this, ATE will arrange awareness program/ education fair in different regional/rural areas in cooperation with the local Shire Council, and showcases the necessity of Tertiary Education in developing the regional Australia. ATE will claim a payment from government for each student registering their interest in Tertiary Education through ATE and ended up enrolling in Universities. ATE has very close working relations with graphic designers, printers and mail-out companies, and with merchandising companies, who each support the marketing activities of ATE. Supplier relations are all by word-of-mouth (which has led to some confusion and delivery of incorrect designs, printing or products), while exhibitor contracts are managed using traditional post, email and facsimile transmission of documents. Dr Rebecca is keen to improve efficiency in marketing and communications, to expand ticket and merchandise sales, which are potentially very profitable for ATE, and to improve relations with educational fair managers, secondary schools, prospective students, higher education institutions, and employers. To achieve this, Dr Rebecca is considering new online channels for marketing, sales, and for improved communication and collaboration with exhibitors and prospective clients. You have been called in as an Internet and management consultant for ATE. Dr Rebecca wants to know how e-business technologies could be used to improve the company’s operations. The company is keen to leave as much open as possible – you have been told that it is a ‘clean sheet’ strategy but cannot consume more than half the profits of next year’s business. You are required to deliver a report with a specific brief, and a mock-up of the general design and functionality of a proposed e-business system for ATE. Requirements Your e-business proposal should address: 1. clearly identified e-commerce business model(s) 2. how the e-commerce business will derive revenue (i.e. revenue models) CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report 3. what network and communications infrastructure will be required? 4. what applications (hardware and software) will be required to meet specific e- commerce business goals 5. how you will address security issues 6. how you will address e-marketing requirements 7. what choice of payment systems will be used? 8. how you will address privacy and other relevant ethical concerns 9. how you will address legal issues connected with the e-commerce business 10. how you will address customer service issues 11. how you will measure the success of your proposal (metrics, tools) Presentation Please refer to the General guide for the presentation of academic work, available electronically on the universities website. URL: Present your evaluation in a business or management style report, as outlined in the guide. Submission Please submit an ELECTRONIC copy only via Moodle. Submit a single Microsoft Word document (i.e. .doc or .docx formats) that will include your report, and images of your mock-up proposal for an e-business system (as an appendix to the report). Name the submission file according to the following format: ‘itech3301_yourSurname_yourStudentID_assign2.doc’. Please refer to the “Course Description” for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website: URL: CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report Assessment Criteria Students work will be assessed upon: • evidence of completion of all proposal tasks comprising a solution based on theoretical concepts outlined in the literature, with practical supporting examples from industry, and your own ideas. • an accurate business report including elements, such as an executive summary, a table of contents, appropriate use of headings, captioning for all included figures/tables, etc. The report will evince quality written expression, including good grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, etc. Reports should adhere to the university style guide including formatting, layout and structure, and should not exceed a word limit of 2500 words (not including the appendices of the mock-up of the proposed system). • evidence of formatted reference list and in-text citations that comply with the APA style guide. A quality piece of work
Answered Same DayMay 26, 2021ITECH3301

Answer To: CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH3301 Assignment 2 – e- Business Proposal Report ITECH3301:...

Akansha answered on May 29 2021
150 Votes

Executive Summary
This report attempts to shed light on the e-commerce business model. This report is an ecommerce business proposal for ATE. This report attempts to evaluate the viability of the e-commerce concept for an education based company. The report attempts to give a clear idea about the e-commerce structure of a company. The report has discussed the types of e-commerce business model and their corresponding revenue generation m
odels. All the necessary requirements for an e-commerce set up have been indicated in this report. The report also discusses several issues related to the concept of e-commerce and their appropriate addressing strategy details.
Table of Contents
Introduction    1
E-commerce business model(s)    1
Revenue models derived by e-commerce business models    2
Required network and communications infrastructure    3
Required applications (hardware and software) to meet specific e-commerce business Goals    4
Security issues    6
E-marketing requirements    6
Choice of payment systems    7
Ethical concerns    8
Legal issues    9
Customer service issues    10
Measuring success    10
Conclusion    11
Reference List    12
The modern day fast paced life requires fast technology to support the daily activities such as shopping and banking. The impact of digitalization is observed in almost every other business sector such as education, hospitality, and healthcare and so on. In fact, business has also evolved from being a traditional manual process requiring huge number of employees to the modern day online process requiring limited human workforce. In this report, the concept of e-commerce in connection with education sector has been evaluated from the viewpoint of an Internet and management consultant for the company Access to Tertiary Education (ATE). The company is found to be running in loss and thereby the owner requires the details of an appropriate e-commerce model for the company to sustain the profit by reducing the scope of incurring loss.
E-commerce business model(s)
Access to Tertiary Education (ATE) is an education based company and has several customers such as Secondary Colleges in Australia and overseas, Australian Government, educational exhibitors, and education fair managers. As suggested by Al-Jaberi et al. (2015), the following three e-commerce business model is appropriate for ATE:
Business - to - Business (B2B)
ATE can use the web based operation for the purpose of assisting the several Secondary colleges located within Australia and overseas. This web based operation is thereby expected to be sold to individual students of these colleges by the college management (Briones et al. 2016).
Business - to - Consumer (B2C)
ATE may utilize their web based operation for the business purpose which can be integrated with individual expectations from several direct consumers such as educational exhibitors, educational fair managers, and students. These consumers are able to directly use the products without any third party interference. This is evident by the fact that ATE directly advertises bridging and English courses for the students (Cai et al. 2018).
Business - to - Government (B2G)
ATE has been approached by the Australian Government in order to conduct educational program in order to attract regional and rural students of Australia. This partnership is proposed to be with the local Shire Council (Choshin & Ghaffari, 2017).
Revenue models derived by e-commerce business models
It is evident from the varied customer base of ATE consisting of local consumers and Australian Government, that the following revenue models are ideal for the company:
Direct Sales Model
This revenue model is ideal for ATE consumers such as the educational exhibitors
And education fair managers. This is because these consumers like to avail the service for a long span of time (Goolsbee & Klenow, 2018).
Freemium Model
This revenue model is ideal for the ATE consumers of students. This is because the students get a chance to test the basic features of the web based operation and thereby decide whether to avail the paid advanced level services of the company (Gupta et al. 2016).
Subscription Model
This revenue model is expected to be ideal for ATE customers such as Australian and overseas colleges, who requires the service for a limited fixed time period of one or more semesters for the benefit of their students (Kim & Peterson, 2017).
Credit Model
This revenue model is going to be ideal for significant ATE customers such as Australian Government. This because the Government needs to make a bulk purchase which is initiated with a token payment and the complete payment is done later (Mazzarol, 2015).
Required network and communications infrastructure
The establishment of an e-commerce business model by ATE requires the following components in terms of network and communication infrastructure:
Existing Network
The existing network is assessed for presence of following required components:
· Links for Physical Communication such as cable length, grade
· Communication links likewise Analog, VPN, T3, ISDN
· Server information such as Host Names, IP Addresses and Domain Name Systems (DNS) Server
· Device Location with the help of Hubs, Networks, Switches, Modems, Proxy Servers
Network Infrastructure and related components
The essential components in network infrastructure are
· Routers and switches
· Firewalls
· Load balancers
· Storage Area Network (SAN)
Planning of Network Infrastructure Layout
The planning of Network Infrastructure Layout includes the given below components:
· Intranet
· Internal network
· Proxies
· Firewall Configuration
· Mobile users
Required applications (hardware and software) for meeting specific e-commerce business Goals
The setup of an e-commerce business requires the contribution of following applications:
Web Server
The ATE e-commerce business approach may use the Magento web server for the hosting purpose of the entire website that stores all the Html, JavaScript, PHP files, databases and media files.
Server Software
The ATE e-commerce business approach...

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