Creating a python program that displays a receipt for a purchase: The Item Class First design and implement an items class. Instantiate it to create the item objects that are part of the receipt. The...

Creating a python program that displays a receipt for a purchase: The Item Class First design and implement an items class. Instantiate it to create the item objects that are part of the receipt. The item class should have three attributes. __name - A string with the item name. __price - A float with the item price in dollars. __taxable - A boolean that is true if the item is taxed. The item class should have the following methods. __init__ - The constructor. __str__ - returns the item as a string. getPrice - return the price of the item. getTax - Takes the tax rate as a parameter. Returns the tax charged on the item. The Receipt Class Next, design and implement a Receipt class. The receipt class should have two attributes. __tax_rate - The tax rate in this area. __purchases - A list of items. The Receipt class should have the following methods. __init__ - The constructor. Takes the tax rate. __str__ - returns the full receipt as a string. addItem - adds a new item to the receipt. Programming Implement a program, that asks the users for items. For each item, read in the name, price, and if the item is taxable. When the user says that do not want to add any more items, print out the full receipt. The receipt must have the following contents: Each item listed with its price. The total cost of the items. The total tax charged on all items. The grand total with tax added. The current date when the receipt we generated. All values must be shown to two decimal places. EXAMPLE OUTPUT Welcome to Receipt Creator Enter Item name: Hot Dog Enter Item Price: 5.15 Is the item taxable (yes/no): no Add another item (yes/no): yes Enter Item name: Soda Enter Item Price: 2.50 Is the item taxable (yes/no): yes Add another item (yes/no): yes Enter Item name: Pretzel Enter Item Price: 0.50 Is the item taxable (yes/no): no Add another item (yes/no): yes Enter Item name: Candy Bar Enter Item Price: 1.25 Is the item taxable (yes/no): yes Add another item (yes/no): no ----- Receipt 2018-01-02 16:21:49.515170 ----- Hot Dog_____________________________5.15 Soda________________________________2.50 Pretzel_____________________________0.50 Candy Bar___________________________1.25 Sub Total___________________________9.40 Tax_________________________________0.26 Total_______________________________9.66
May 19, 2022

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