Create the Hangman Game using pygame in whichever coding platform you have. Hint: import pygame import random Required screen size height = 500.................................... XXXXXXXXXX50 width =...

Create the Hangman Game using pygame in whichever coding platform you have.

Hint: import pygame

         import random

Required screen size

  1. height = 500........................................................50

  2. width = 800.........................................................50

  3. List of words to play game...............................25

  4. background game surface color = (your choice) hint: it takes three augments.................25

  5. display caption ("Hangman Game") as your title in the banner......................75

  6. code the game upload your completed working .py code....................................................100

  7. code pop-out message box for error checking each time a wrong entry is made...........100

  8. message box for congratulations you win.....................................50

  9. message box for sorry you lost (lose)..............................................50

  10. red X at top left should close the game when clicked..................25

Please make it fun, give it your best shot, walk away and re-group when you get frustrated.

You can add graphics your your project but don't over do it please.

Play the Game!!!!!!

Been working on this for the past few days and can't seem to figure it out. I've got the very basics down but still need additional help. Please explain the code if you can with the answer. Thank you!


I've outlined what I need specifically.

Jun 08, 2022

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