Create the controls necessary to supply the user with a selected list (presented in a listbox) of countries based on an imported fixed width text file. The default filtering letter to export records...

Create the controls necessary to supply the user with a selected list (presented in a listbox) of countries based on an imported fixed width text file. The default filtering letter to export records should be "C", but include all letters from "A" through "Z" as listbox items. Include logic that always skips the first two records from being imported into the listbox. Likewise, all blank records should not be imported. It is possible that the contents of the input .txt file may change on a subsequent execution of your program, but always omitting the first two records and any blank records from being imported should be followed. Here's a screenshot of how your form should appear when the project is started:  The "Export To Delimited File (.csv)" button logic should create a new .csv file in the bin/Debug folder named P3S1 Comma Delimited Export.csv and include all records in the list box matching the filtering letter in a comma-delimited format. If the file already exists, overwrite the file. For example, if "C" were the filtering letter, the .csv file would contain a single record of all Page 3 of 6 countries beginning with "C", separated by commas, and with each country enclosed in quotation marks… "Canada","Chad","Chile","China","Colombia","Costa Rica","Cuba","Cyprus","Czech Republic" If no records in the listbox begin with the combobox filtering letter, write "RECORD CRITERIA HAS 0 MATCHES" to the exported .csv file.  Similarly, the "Export To Fixed Width File (.txt)" button logic should create a new .txt file in the bin/Debug folder named P3S1 Fixed Width Export.txt and include all records in the list box matching the filtering letter in a fixed-width format. If the file already exists, overwrite the file. In this case, each country gets listed as its own record. For example, if "C" were the filtering letter, the .txt file would contain a record of Canada (no quotation marks are needed for this export), then a record of Chad, then a record of Chile and so on. If no records in the listbox begin with the combobox filtering letter, write THE CRITERIA HAS NO MATCHES to the exported .txt file.
May 13, 2021

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