Create the a Person class with the following: Class Variables String firstname String lastname int birthmonth int birthday int birthyear String ssn All variables above should be private. Constructor...

Create the a Person class with the following:

Class Variables
String firstname
String lastname
int birthmonth
int birthday
int birthyear
String ssn
All variables above should be private.

The main constructor should take in all values and assign them to their respective private class variables

Create a public getters and setters for firstname and lastname and SSN

Create a public getter method called getBirthdate, which will return a String composed of their birthday in month/day/year format. For example, if birthmonth=3, birthday=22, birthyear=2000, it should return the String "3/22/2000"

Create a public method called verifySSN that takes in a String parameter and returns a boolean. It will check the parameter against the person's SSN and return true or false based on whether they match.

Jun 10, 2022

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