Create an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Requirements
- Introduction (Company Name: “Portofolio Investment solution PIS”) in a nice template.
oPurpose, Attitude, Expectations—, come up with some ideas/characteristics/traits/values for your company that you think would
appeal to the clients and succinctly communicate those things to them in this written
-Role of Investment Committee
o Primary Duties and Responsibilities (communicates role to investors)
- Investment Objective
o Risk Tolerance
o Fees—(1) you have a set commission of $99/trade that is built-in;
(2) depending on your strategy
you will want to set a management fee (which could be a flat rate, built on profits, etc.);
(3) you will also need to disclose the expense ratios of any
funds/ETFs you choose
NOTE: All mutual fund loads are treated as front-load and back-load funds—this means
that a commission is charged on the purchase and sale of the fund (in our case the load is
always $99, not what they fund specifies)
o Performance Measurement/Benchmarks (objective matched)
- Asset Allocation
o Asset Classes, Subset Classes, Target Allocation
o Holding Limits (min. and max. percentage of investment in various asset classes)
NOTE: You are restricted so that one asset cannot represent more than 25% of the overall
portfolio (restriction is built into StockTrak)
o Asset Selection Criteria (the expense ratio of different funds is generally a major point in the
selection criteria)
o Asset Replacement Policy (how and why?)
- Diversification Strategy
- Rebalancing Policy
- Monitoring
- Review Process
- Justification of Strategy—this would not be typical of a traditional IPS, but you need to convey a
reasonable rationale for your choices above
- Other Items (i.e. committee restrictions, etc.)