Create an interface named as
having following method abstract methods
Boling Tea
Serving Tea
Is Tea Hot
Create another interface named as
“BiscuitService” having following method abstract methods
Bake Biscuit
Serving Biscuit
Is Biscuit Baked
Create another interface named as
having only one default method but inherit both interfaces:
“TeaService” and “BiscuitService”. Default method name is “partyStarted”
and displays
“Party is started”.
Create a class named “SchoolTeaParty”
having two boolean attributes:
bakedBiscuit and hotTea. Complete the class such that for the following main method it produces output as show below.
Main Class with main method
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SchoolTeaParty schoolTeaParty = new SchoolTeaParty();
Output of the main method
We are waiting for baking biscuit
We are waiting for Tea to boil
We are baking biscuit
We are boiling the Tea
We are serving biscuit
We are Serving Tea
Party is started