Create an HTML form that works for the following php file. Email $formEmailAddress "; echo "Topic $formTopic "; ?> contact form response...

Create an HTML form that works for the following php file.

   $formEmailAddress = $_POST['email'];   //pull email address from the form data
   $formTopic = $_POST['topic'];           //pull topic from the form data

   echo "

Email $formEmailAddress

   echo "

Topic $formTopic



contact form response

#container {
           width: 800px;
           border: 1px solid black;
           padding: 10px;
           margin: 10px auto;
.colorRed {
   color: #F00;

echo "

This page was created by PHP on the server and sent back to your browser.


//It will create a table and display one set of name value pairs per row
   echo "

   echo "";
   foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
       echo '';
       echo '';
       echo '';
       echo "";
   echo "

Field NameValue of field
   echo "


   $toEmail = "email";       //will send the email to the email address entered on the form

   $subject = "Thank you for your message. I will contact you soon.";   //This is the message that will be sent back to the person who sent you a message from your contact form.

   $fromEmail = "address";

   $emailBody = "Form Data\n\n ";
   foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
       $emailBody.= $key."=".$value."\n";   //Adds the name value pairs to the body of the email, each one on their own line

   echo "



   $headers = "From: $fromEmail" . "\r\n";               //Creates the From header with the appropriate address

    if (mail($toEmail,$subject,$emailBody,$headers))    //puts pieces together and sends the email to your hosting account's smtp (email) server

Message successfully sent!


Message delivery failed...



Jun 09, 2022

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