Create an Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) for the following scenario indicating the identifiers and cardinality constraints. A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by...

Create an Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) for the following scenario indicating the

identifiers and cardinality constraints.

A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by only one division. Each division must have at least one department and each department must belong to a division. A department employs many employees, but there may be a department with no employees. Division is characterised by Divisionid and Divisionname and the attributes of department include Deptid and Deptname. Majority of employees called “dept_emps” are employed by a department. However, there are also employees known as “free_lance_emps” who are not assigned to any department. A department may own many projects, but there may be a department with no projects. Employee is characterised by empid, empname, emptype and address.

Both dept_emps and free_lance_emps can work on many projects, but there are employees who do not work on any project. A project has at least one employee working on it and it is characterised by a projectcode and projectname. One of dept_emps manages a department. Each department must have a manager. One of the employees runs a division. Each division must have someone running it.

Jun 09, 2022

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