Create an application in ASP.NET MVC approach which has the following functionalities: Create controller class and the views given below. On the submit button click the data about employee should be...

Create an application in ASP.NET MVC approach which has the following functionalities:<br>Create controller class and the views given below.<br>On the submit button click the data about employee should be stored in data carriers<br>and should be displayed on EmpDtl.cshtml view.<br>Database will not to be used to store data<br>Emp.cshtl<br>EmpDtl.cshtml<br>Employee<br>Employee Details<br>Employee Name ljaz Ali<br>Employee Name ljaz Ali<br>Designation<br>СЕО<br>Designation<br>СЕО<br>Submit<br>

Extracted text: Create an application in ASP.NET MVC approach which has the following functionalities: Create controller class and the views given below. On the submit button click the data about employee should be stored in data carriers and should be displayed on EmpDtl.cshtml view. Database will not to be used to store data Emp.cshtl EmpDtl.cshtml Employee Employee Details Employee Name ljaz Ali Employee Name ljaz Ali Designation СЕО Designation СЕО Submit

Jun 11, 2022

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