Create a UML class diagram of the application illustrating class hierarchy, collaboration, and the content of each class. There is only one class. There is a main method that calls four methods. I am...

Create a UML class diagram of the application illustrating class hierarchy, collaboration, and the content of each class.

There is only one class.  There is a main method that calls four methods.  I am not sure if I made the UML Class diagram correct.

import java.util.Random; // import Random package
import java.util.Scanner; // import Scanner Package

public class SortArray{ // class name

public static void main(String[] args) { //main method

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; // creates object of the Scanner class
int[] array = initializeArray(scanner);

System.out.print("Array of randomly generated values: ");
displayArray(array); // Prints unsorted array

sortDescending(array); // sort the array in descending order
System.out.print("Values in desending order: ");
displayArray(array); // prints the sorted array, should be in descending order

sortAscending(array); // sort the array in ascending order
System.out.print("Values in asending order: ");
displayArray(array); // prints the sorted array, should be in ascending order

} // end main()

public static int[] initializeArray(Scanner scan) { //initializeArray method

System.out.print("Enter an array length: "); // ask user to enter a number
int n = scan.nextInt(); // parse user input

// The while loop below validates user input.
// It runs repeatedly until user enters a numbet greater than zero.
while (n <= 0)="">
System.out.println("Length of array must be greater than 0.");
System.out.print("Enter an array length: " ); // ask user to enter a number
n = scan.nextInt(); // parse user input

int[] myArray = new int[n]; // instantiate array with specified length
Random ranValue = new Random(); // creates random object
int maxValue = 1000; // valid ints: 0-999, 1000 is the upperbound.

for (int i = 0; i < myarray.length;="" i++)="" {="" loop="" to="" access="" all="" elements="" in="">
myArray[i] =ranValue.nextInt(maxValue); // storing random integers, from 0-999, in the
// array from index 0

return myArray; // return the array of random integers

public static void sortDescending(int[] array) { //sortDescending method using bubblesort algorithm
int n = array.length;

for (int i = 0; i < n;="" i++)="">
for (int j = 1; j < (n="" -="" i);="" j++)="">
if (array[j - 1] < array[j])="">
//swap the elements
int temp = array[j - 1];
array[j - 1] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;

public static void sortAscending(int[] array) { //sortAscending method using bubblesort algorithm
int n = array.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n;="" i++)="">
for (int j = 1; j < (n="" -="" i);="" j++)="">
if (array[j - 1] > array[j]) {
//swap elements
int temp = array[j - 1];
array[j - 1] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;

public static void displayArray(int[] array) { //displayArray method

for (Integer number : array) {
System.out.print(number + " ");


SortArray<br>+initializeArray(myArray int[]), maxValue:int<br>+sortDesending(array:int[]) , n:int, temp:int<br>+sortAsecending(array:int[], n:int, temp:int<br>+displayArray(array[: int])<br>

Extracted text: SortArray +initializeArray(myArray int[]), maxValue:int +sortDesending(array:int[]) , n:int, temp:int +sortAsecending(array:int[], n:int, temp:int +displayArray(array[: int])
Jun 09, 2022

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