Create a structure named Dog with a string field for the Dog’s name. Create a structure named Cat with a string field for the Cat’s name. Write a program that declares one Dog and one Cat, and assign...

Create a structure named Dog with a string field for the Dog’s name. Create a structure

named Cat with a string field for the Cat’s name. Write a program that declares one Dog

and one Cat, and assign names to them. Write two overloaded functions named speak().

If you pass the Dog to speak(), the speak()function should display the Dog’s name and

a description of how dogs speak (for example, “Spot says woof ”). If you pass the Cat to

the version of speak()that accepts a Cat parameter, then it should display the Cat’s

name and a description of how cats speak (for example, “Tiger says meow”). Save the file

as CatDog.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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