Create a simplified version of the card game poker. Reuse the fillDeck()and selectCard()functions from Exercise 19 to create an array of 52 cards and randomly deal five cards each to two players—the...

Create a simplified version of the card game poker. Reuse the fillDeck()and

selectCard()functions from Exercise 19 to create an array of 52 cards and randomly

deal five cards each to two players—the computer and the user. Create another function

that determines the winner of the poker hand. In this simplified version, a player with

the most matching cards wins. In other words, a player with a pair beats a player with

no pairs, and a player with three of a kind, beats a player with just a pair. In this simplified version, straights and flushes do not matter. If both players have the same

number of matches, then the hand is considered to be a tie. Save the program as


May 19, 2022

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