Pease see attached
Create a program that converts U.S. dollars to different currencies -- the Canadian dollar, Euro, Indian rupee, Japanese yen, Mexican peso, South African rand, and British pound. The application's interface should prompt the user to enter the number of U.S. dollars, and then display the seven currencies listed above. Display the result to three decimal places. This should be done in a very basic manner as this is the third assignment in a computer programming I class so this shouldn’t be sophisticated at all. A GUI would work best as an interface. Once complete the program should be copied in a word doc only with screen shots of the program working. I have attached an example. Create a program that converts U.S. dollars to different currencies -- the Canadian dollar, Euro, Indian rupee, Japanese yen, Mexican peso, South African rand, and British pound. The application's interface should prompt the user to enter the number of U .S. dollars, and then display the seven currencies listed above. Display the result to three decimal places. This should be done in a very basic manner a s th is is the third assignment in a compu ter programming I class so this shouldn’t be sophisticated at all . A GUI would work best as an interface . O nce complete the program should be copied in a word doc only with screen shots of the program working . I have attached an example . Create a program that converts U.S. dollars to different currencies -- the Canadian dollar, Euro, Indian rupee, Japanese yen, Mexican peso, South African rand, and British pound. The application's interface should prompt the user to enter the number of U.S. dollars, and then display the seven currencies listed above. Display the result to three decimal places. This should be done in a very basic manner as this is the third assignment in a computer programming I class so this shouldn’t be sophisticated at all. A GUI would work best as an interface. Once complete the program should be copied in a word doc only with screen shots of the program working. I have attached an example. Gabriel Matos University of the Incarnate Word Professor Robert Whale Computer Programming I 3/20/21 Program: from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def interface(): def clicked(): try: n = int(number_of_people.get()) no_of_vans = int(n/10) number_of_vans_label = Label(screen, text = 'Number of vans: '+str(no_of_vans)) number_of_vans_label.grid(column = 0, row = 3) number_of_people_remaning = n%10 number_of_people_remaning_label = Label(screen, text = 'Number of people remaining: '+str(number_of_people_remaning)) number_of_people_remaning_label.grid(column = 0, row =4) except: messagebox.showerror('Vans & More Depot','Enter int value for passengers') screen = Tk() screen.title("Vans & More Depot") screen.geometry('350x200') number_of_people_label = Label(screen, text = 'Enter the number of people: ') number_of_people_label.grid(column = 0, row = 1) number_of_people = Entry(screen, width = 20) number_of_people.grid(column = 1, row = 1) button = Button(screen, text="Calculate", command=clicked) button.grid(column=1, row=2) screen.mainloop() interface() Screenshots of the Program running with the GUI: Gabriel Matos U niversity of the Incarnate Word Professor Robert Wha le Computer Programming I 3/20/21 Program : from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def interface(): def clicked(): try : n = int (number_of_people.get()) no_of_vans = int (n/10) number_of_vans_label = Label (screen, text = 'Number of vans: ' + str (no_of_vans)) number_of_vans_label.grid(column = 0, row = 3) number_of_people_remaning = n%10 number_of_people_remaning_label = Label (screen, text = 'Number of people remaining: ' + str (number_of_people_remaning)) number_of_ people_remaning_label.grid(column = 0, row =4) except : messagebox .showerror( 'Vans & More Depot' , 'Enter int value for passengers' ) screen = Tk () screen.title( "Vans & More Depot" ) screen.geometry( '350x200' ) number_of_peop le_label = Label (screen, text = 'Enter the number of people: ' ) number_of_people_label.grid(column = 0, row = 1) number_of_people = Entry (screen, width = 20) number_of_people.grid(column = 1, row = 1) button = Button (screen, text= "Calculate" , command=clicked) button.grid(column=1, row=2) screen.mainloop() interface() Gabriel Matos University of the Incarnate Word Professor Robert Whale Computer Programming I 3/20/21 Program: from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def interface(): def clicked(): try: n = int(number_of_people.get()) no_of_vans = int(n/10) number_of_vans_label = Label(screen, text = 'Number of vans: '+str(no_of_vans)) number_of_vans_label.grid(column = 0, row = 3) number_of_people_remaning = n%10 number_of_people_remaning_label = Label(screen, text = 'Number of people remaining: '+str(number_of_people_remaning)) number_of_people_remaning_label.grid(column = 0, row =4) except: messagebox.showerror('Vans & More Depot','Enter int value for passengers') screen = Tk() screen.title("Vans & More Depot") screen.geometry('350x200') number_of_people_label = Label(screen, text = 'Enter the number of people: ') number_of_people_label.grid(column = 0, row = 1) number_of_people = Entry(screen, width = 20) number_of_people.grid(column = 1, row = 1) button = Button(screen, text="Calculate", command=clicked) button.grid(column=1, row=2) screen.mainloop() interface()