Create a procedure that will read in (from the user) the information for a record of the type declared in the previous problem and pass that information out of the procedure via a single parameter....

Create a procedure that will read in (from the user) the information for a record of the type declared in the previous problem and pass that information out of the procedure via a single parameter. For the boolean field in the record, read in a character (Y or N) from the user and then determine whether to assign TRUE or FALSE to the boolean. The procedure should prompt the user as appropriate. 5.3 Create a module that will collect this data for the class as a whole, keeping track of the class average for each of labs, homeworks, and quizzes and maintaining a

running total of the number of students who report themselves to be passing or

failing. Thus, whenever this module is called, it will accept data for a student

and will update the summary data for the class to include the data for the student.

Create any additional data structures required.

May 19, 2022

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