Create a new project Add a class Car to it. The Car class should contain the following private fields: _make, _model, _mileage, _year, _price Add necessary constructor and properties Add a method...

Create a new project

Add a class Car to it. The Car class should contain the following private fields: _make, _model, _mileage, _year, _price

Add necessary constructor and properties

Add a method LowerPriceBy(amount), which takes the amount and subract it from the current price to get the new price.

  • in Form1: create a List of cars (carList)

  • Add a Preload method to add at least 10 different cars to the carlist

  • Add a display method to display all the carlist in a listview

  • add gui to the form to allow to enter all the car information to create a car from the information entered

  • at the click of a button add the car entered to the carlist, the re display the carlist to see the new added car

May 05, 2021

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