Create a movie object with id, name, director, rating, and pg. (10 marks) Write http get method to read and display all the movies. Run it in browser and take screenshot of the output.(10 marks) Write...

Create a movie object with id, name, director, rating, and pg. (10 marks)

Write http get method to read and display all the movies. Run it in browser and take screenshot of the output.(10 marks)

Write http get method to read and display movies which have a rating higher than 2 and pg less than 13. Run it in browser and take screenshot of the output. (20 marks)

Write http get method to read and display all the directors name and their movies. Example: Director A movies X, Y, Z. Director B movies M, N. Run it in browser and take screenshot of the output (20 marks)

Write http post method to add a new movie. Run it in POSTMAN and take screenshot of the output. (10 marks)

Write http put method to edit a new movie. Run it in POSTMAN and take screenshot of the output. (15 marks)

Write http delete method to delete a new movie. Run it in POSTMAN and take screenshot of the output .(15 marks)

May 19, 2022

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