Create a Java GUI program that will allow a user to oder a pizza. The user should be able to select only ONE of 3 sizes( each with a different price shown). The user should also be able to select the...

Create a Java GUI program that will allow a user to oder a pizza.

The user should be able to select only ONE of 3 sizes( each with a different price shown).

The user should also be able to select the extra toppings.There should be at least 8 to choose from and the user can select as many as they want.The cost for each extra topping can be the same or different your choice. The topping pricing should be shown.

The cost of the pizza created should be shown in the same window as the order. The cost can can change as each choiceis made OR is only updated when the user selects a calculate button.

This program is a simple one that dosent need all the extra bells and whistles. A simple 1 box gui with 3 pizza sizes(with prices), and 8 toppings(with each topping being the same price) .then at the ending when you hit finish it calculates on the same screen. That is all that is needed nothing more i need it to look excatly like this but 8 toppings instead of 6 thank you in advance.

May 19, 2022

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