Create a class that represents an employee. This class will have three constructors to initialize variables. If the constructor doesn't provide a parameter for a field , make it either "(not set)" or...

Create a class that represents an employee. This class will have three constructors to initialize variables. If the constructor doesn't provide a parameter for a field , make it either "(not set)"  or "0" as appropriate.



Fields :

- name : String

- idNumber : Int

- department : String

- position : String


+ Employee()

+ Employee(name : String, idNumber : int)

+ Employee(name : String, idNumber : int, department : String, position : String)

+ getName() : String

+ getDepartment() : String

+ getPosition() : String

+ getIdNumber() : int

Write in java and use test case #1 as an example.

Test Case 1<br>(not set), 0, (not set), (not set) n<br>Bill Gates, 1975, (not set), (not set) n<br>Steve Jobs, 1976, Design, Engineer \n<br>

Extracted text: Test Case 1 (not set), 0, (not set), (not set) n Bill Gates, 1975, (not set), (not set) n Steve Jobs, 1976, Design, Engineer \n

Jun 11, 2022

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