Create a class that acts as a blueprint for a College Course.·This class should have the following state:oint – course reference numberoint - course number·This class should have...

Create a class that acts as a blueprint for a College Course.


This class should have the following state:


int – course reference number


int - course number


This class should have the following behaviour:


Appropriate setters and getters


This class should have the following constructors:


Default constructor


Constructor that takes two arguments.

Create a second class called CollegeCourseTestHarness:


Create a two dimensional array with 10 columns and 200 rows.


Fill the first 100 rows with CollegeCourse Objects in which the course reference number and course number are set to the default value of zero.


Fill the second 100 rows with CollegeCourse Objects in which the course reference number and course number are set to the default value of 9999.


Iterate the array and print out the state of each object with an appropriate short label. Print a dashed line between each data set.


Iterate the array a second time with separate for loops, and set the state of each object as follows:


Set the course reference number to a sequential/unique 7 digit value


Set the course number to one of four, 5 digit course numbers that are randomly chosen from a list you make up.


Iterate the array a third time with a separate for loops and print out the state of each object with an appropriate short label. Print a dashed line between each data set.

Ask the user for a column and row number. Print out the state of the object corresponding to this location. Take into account the probability that the user will provide a value that is out of the bounds of the array, which will throw an exception. Handle this exception in your code using a try/catch block to ensure your program will not crash but instead will inform the user that they need to provide a valid set of numbers
Mar 18, 2023

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