Create a class named PlayingCard. It contains four fields—a value and suit in both numeric and string format (for example, 12 might be “Queen”) for a standard playing card. Each PlayingCard is...

Create a class named PlayingCard. It contains four fields—a value and suit in both

numeric and string format (for example, 12 might be “Queen”) for a standard playing

card. Each PlayingCard is assigned its values upon construction. Create another class

named Hand which represents a standard poker hand which consists of five PlayingCards.

The Hand constructor should randomly assign a value to each of its five PlayingCards,

with no duplicates. In other words, there can be multiple 4’s and multiple hearts in a Hand,

but only one four of hearts. Write a main()function that declares a Hand and displays its

values. Save the file as FiveUniqueCards.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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