Create a class named MagazineSubscription. Include fields for the subscriber (use the Person class you created in Exercise 3) and the subscription’s start and expiration dates (use the Date class you...

Create a class named MagazineSubscription. Include fields for the subscriber (use

the Person class you created in Exercise 3) and the subscription’s start and expiration

dates (use the Date class you created in Exercise 2). Include a constructor that takes

three arguments—a Person and two Dates. Also include a display function that displays

MagazineSubscription fields by calling the Person and Date display functions.

Write a main()function in which you instantiate a Person object and two Date objects.

Use these as arguments to the constructor that instantiates a MagazineSubscription

object. Display the MagazineSubscription object. Save the file as


May 19, 2022

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