Create a class named Instructor. It contains a first and last name and an office number, and its only constructor requires all three as arguments. Create a class named Classroom. It contains a...

Create a class named Instructor. It contains a first and last name and an office

number, and its only constructor requires all three as arguments. Create a class named

Classroom. It contains a building and a room number, and its only constructor requires

both as arguments. Create a class named CollegeCourse. A CollegeCourse contains

an Instructor, a Classroom, and a number of credits. Its constructor requires a first

and last name of an instructor, the instructor’s office number, a Classroom building

and room number, and a number of credits. Each of these classes contains a function

that displays an object’s values. Write a main()function that instantiates at least two

CollegeCourse objects and displays their values. Save the file as CollegeCourse.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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