Create a class called clsQuiz6, include a block of commented cdoe showing your name, section number and course name. Your class should have the following: a. A method called towerOfHanoi shown below...

Create a class called clsQuiz6, include a block of commented cdoe showing your name,

section number and course name. Your class should have the following:
A method called towerOfHanoi shown below which shows the number of

movements accomplished when the method is called. Call the method from the

main (e.g., towerOfHanoi(3,’A’,’B’,’C’))
public static void towerOfHanoi(int intDisks, char chrFrom, char chrTo, char chrAux)

if (intDisks == 1)

System.out.println("Move disk 1 from: " + chrFrom + " to " + chrTo);
towerOfHanoi(intDisks-1, chrFrom, chrAux, chrTo);
System.out.println("Move disk " + intDisks + " from: " + chrFrom + " to " + chrTo);
A method called arrayLength as shown below which accepts at least one

parameter, an array of Strings, and recursivelydisplays the number of elements

in the array.
public static int arrayLength(String [] anyArray, )
i need this done in a java eclipse setting please and thank you

Apr 13, 2021

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