Create a charge invoice program for the cashier at the RTU-Kawani cooperative. The program will calculate the entire cost of food products, 6% VAT (Value Added Tax), and the corresponding adjustment...

Create a charge invoice program for the cashier at the RTU-Kawani cooperative. The program<br>will calculate the entire cost of food products, 6% VAT (Value Added Tax), and the<br>corresponding adjustment in the customer's payments.<br>Screen Layout:<br>Item Code<br>No. of Item<br>Item Price<br>Total<br>Candy<br>2<br>1.50<br>3.00<br>VAT 6%: 0.18<br>Total Cost: 3.18<br>Amount Tendered: 5.00<br>Amount Change: 1.82<br>

Extracted text: Create a charge invoice program for the cashier at the RTU-Kawani cooperative. The program will calculate the entire cost of food products, 6% VAT (Value Added Tax), and the corresponding adjustment in the customer's payments. Screen Layout: Item Code No. of Item Item Price Total Candy 2 1.50 3.00 VAT 6%: 0.18 Total Cost: 3.18 Amount Tendered: 5.00 Amount Change: 1.82

Jun 11, 2022

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