Create a C program that do the following : * decrepit and encrypt texts using Caesar cipher with 3 letters back * add a choice that the user can put the input in a text file * try to reduce memory...

Create a C program that do the following :

* decrepit and encrypt texts using
Caesar cipherwith
3 letters back

* add a choice that the user can put the input in a text file

* try to reduce memory allocation as much as you could

* Upload the code as a
not as a picture

the program should be like this:

Enter 1 for decrepition and 2 for encryption

>> 1

Enter 1 for entering the text that you want to decrepit or 2 for using a text file

// there is some choices here

// if the user entered 1

please enter the text:


The decreption for "EBIIL" is: Hello

// if the user entered 2

is the text file in the same file as the program file? (Y/N)

>> Y

the decreption will be : (the decreption of the text in the file)

>> Y (IF the file does not exist)

Please make sure that the text file exists in the same file of the program, reboot the program

>> N

please put the text file in the same file of the program

// and the same goes with the encryption idea .. if the user entered Hello, the program will print EBIIL

Jun 09, 2022

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