Create a 2-Slide PPT: (do not exceed 30 minutes in total for this single body slide PPT) Slide 1 - Title (use title above); add image, add MLA header Slide 2 - Body: An Excerpt from Boo Radley's Diary...

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Create a 2-Slide PPT: (do not exceed 30 minutes in total for this single body slide PPT)
Slide 1 - Title (use title above); add image, add MLA header
Slide 2 - Body: An Excerpt from Boo Radley's Diary (=slide title); add content

What was life like from Boo Radley's perspective? Write a one page entry of Boo's diary from HIS point of view. Take a specific scene from the novel to rewrite/explain from Boo's point of view. Answer any of the following questions about Boo's life that include his thoughts/views.

1. What was it like to be locked up in the house? How did he feel?
2. What did he see from the window? Explain his thoughts.
3. Did he really come out at night? Explain his actions.
4. What were his views on Maycomb, friendship, family, racism?
Title the slide, Boo Radley's Diary Excerpt. Write 2 paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each from Boo's perspective about something important pertaining to the novel.
Answered Same DayApr 07, 2021

Answer To: Create a 2-Slide PPT: (do not exceed 30 minutes in total for this single body slide PPT) Slide 1 -...

Parul answered on Apr 08 2021
139 Votes
Boo Radley's Perspective
Boo Radley's Perspective
An Excerpt from Boo Radley's Diary
On the sa
me street as Finch family lives Boo Radley, apparently they are neighbors
Striking characteristic of Boo is his symbolic and literal invisibility
He is a recluse who tends to come out only during night time
Therefore, Boo becomes a crucible of fear and superstitions for entire town
Adults gossip in front of their kids and children later on cook up strange and terrible stories about Boo
With the lens...

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