Cover the following issues and discuss the implications including the person’s strengths andlimitations in each category (you might even try asking what strengths or limitations the person relates to in each category as their answers may be different than what you think. (for ex: if elder is living with a son or daughter, you might think that might not be a good idea but they do!) physical functioning (e.g., chronic illnesses, ADLs/IADLs) psychological functioning (e.g., sad, grieving, happy, grateful, anxious, memory issues) relationships and roles (e.g., family ties, support network, class/gender issues)4.cultural background (e.g., diversity, religion, values, discrimination) 5. economic situation (if the elder is reluctant to answer, do not push but make sure stated in paper why information wasn’t included in your paper)6. housing situation and living arrangements (e.g., home (single story, 2-story, apartment –low income or not, retirement community, neighborhood- do they feel safe or not)A tip to capture all the information needed for this paper is to write down your questions in advance using simple everyday words (most elders do not talk about "functioning" or "social roles") You can either take notes during the interview, ask for permission to tape the interview, or set aside time to write notes immediately afterward but do not hand in your list of questions. This is an essay paper and instructor’s questions will be the expected answers addressed in your paper not your own questions that you make up.Discuss the STRENGTHS and LIMITATIONS of the person in each area above, based on your conversation and observation. If the elder was reluctant to talk about a topic, say so. (You may be able to make some inferences based on observation. For example, if respondent doesn't want to talk about finances, you can guess the economic status from observing the neighborhood, the house, and elder’s appearance or you might ask about the cost of prescription medications.) The strengths and limitation may be typed as you cover each topic or in a separate paragraph including all 6 topics at the end of your paper.How is the identity of the elder you interviewed (e.g., religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age) shaped by culture and societal influences within the context of equality and inequality?