Course : Digital Control Systems (EECP 3275) ASSIGNMENT Student ID Student Name Last date for submission: 08/12/2021 1. The damping ratio of a second order system is 0.6. The settling time is 0.75...

Course : Digital Control Systems (EECP 3275)<br>ASSIGNMENT<br>Student ID<br>Student Name<br>Last date for submission: 08/12/2021<br>1. The damping ratio of a second order system is 0.6. The<br>settling time is 0.75 sec. Calculate<br>(i) Rise time (ii) Peak time (iii) Peak overshoot (iv) Delay<br>time<br>2. The zeroes are located at -2, 0 and +4. The poles are<br>located at -3, -2 + 3j. Find the transfer function? Also draw<br>the pole zero plot.<br>3. For a unit feedback system, G(s) = . Find the range of k for<br>the system to be stable using Routh Hurwitz Criteria.<br>4. Discuss the relation of location of poles on stability of a<br>system. Explain with neat graphs.<br>5. For a unit feedback system, G(s) = . Develop the Root<br>Locus. Show all the required calculations.<br>

Extracted text: Course : Digital Control Systems (EECP 3275) ASSIGNMENT Student ID Student Name Last date for submission: 08/12/2021 1. The damping ratio of a second order system is 0.6. The settling time is 0.75 sec. Calculate (i) Rise time (ii) Peak time (iii) Peak overshoot (iv) Delay time 2. The zeroes are located at -2, 0 and +4. The poles are located at -3, -2 + 3j. Find the transfer function? Also draw the pole zero plot. 3. For a unit feedback system, G(s) = . Find the range of k for the system to be stable using Routh Hurwitz Criteria. 4. Discuss the relation of location of poles on stability of a system. Explain with neat graphs. 5. For a unit feedback system, G(s) = . Develop the Root Locus. Show all the required calculations.

Jun 11, 2022

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