Course Description (Higher Education)BUHRM5912 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTPart 1 of this assessment is a written group report of 4000 words (worth 30 marks). Thesame grade will be awarded to each group member on the group report as long as nocontrary information is reported by any members in terms of equal contributions to thegroup project. Please note that there are penalties in place for exceeding the word limit(5% above or below the given word limit is acceptable; references and appendices arenot counted towards the total word count). Beyond the 5% threshold, 1 mark will bededucted for every 10% exceed of the given word limit.This report is to address the following areas:Provide a brief introduction to the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold theactual name of the organisation).Describe the problem as much as possible in terms of the observable ormeasurable symptoms it manifests, for example, high absenteeism, highemployee turnover, workplace bullying/harassment, biased recruitment andselection process, ambiguous performance appraisal process, workplace diversityetc. You would be aware of an HR problem/ issue either from the internaldocuments of the organisation being an employee of the organisation or from thecompany website, media releases, newspaper reports etc. which would provideyou with evidence to substantiate your claim of an HR problem that exists in yourchosen organisation/industry.The issue/problem should then be considered and analysed in terms ofconcepts/models/theories drawn from any topics studied as part of this subject. Togive some examples, your group may choose to adopt different negotiationtactics, change the existing recruitment and selection method, re-design jobs, orarrange a special training program and so on. Try to choose the topic that seemsto offer the most useful insights into the problem. Project topics should be chosenfrom the contents of BUHRM5921. Each group must obtain endorsement from theLecturer for their project topic and keep them updated regarding progress.Prepare a set of justified recommendation(s) with the support of your analysis ofdifferent findings from relevant HR literature and industry reports.Note: It is not recommended that you conduct any interviews engagingmanagers/employees of an organisation or distribute any questionnaires to collect datato complete this project. You could gather secondary data/ information about theproblem area from internal or external documents that concern your chosenorganisation. You may use information from a variety of sources such as the companywebsite, media releases, recent newspaper reports, journal articles, HR magazines, etc.For the recommended structure for your group report please refer to the assignment.
Part 2 of this assessment is a group presentation of the project report (worth 10marks).Each member in a group will deliver a group presentation in class within 20 minutesfollowed by a brief question and answer session. Please note that the presentation willbe evaluated individually based on individual performances during the grouppresentation (see the presentation criteria in the appendix). This means that membersof the same group may receive different grades on the presentation component.Criteria used to grade this task.The criteria used to assess each of the elements of this task are set out in theAppendix.Task Assessor: Lecturer/TutorSuggested time to devote to this task: 20 hours for Part 1, 4 hours for Part 2.Submission details: One member from each group must submit their Group reportand Presentation slides via Moodle Turnitin links on or before 11:59 PM (your localtime) by Monday of week 11. The group report must include a cover pagecontaining the full name and the student number of each group member. Atemplate of the report structure is available on Moodle under the Assessment tab.Feedback and return of work: Via Moodle within three weeks since submission.For Part 1, grade and comments will be made available via Moodle/ hard copywithin three weeks following the submission due date.