Course CSCS1301A- Community development work and International aid 2020, S 2Assessment of Event 1Presentation:Due date 2/9/2020, 11:30a ) ResearchA community development project and provide a situational analysis with references to theories of community development.Length word limit t 750Presentation length 10 minsa) Peer review as allocated by the teacher.Present your findings in a slide presentation with voice overTask:Select a community development project: During weeks 2-4 there was an activity that may have assisted you to choose a project to analyze you. You can also choose a project from the following journals and websites:- Community development Journal- New community: Quarterly journal for social justice, sustainability, community development, and human rights- AVIS- Central land council- Handicap International- Asia pacific development- ADRASolidarities International
2 Research the project: Below is the guidelines for the activity from week 3. you can use these as a starting point for your research. During week 4 you were asked to interview an NGO. This could form a basis for your assessment.
Guidelines from week 3:Identify, research, and analyze a community development project including:- What community is the project developing- The reason for the project- Who are the key stakeholders ( for example, UN, government, International, and local NGO, Community groups) and what are their roles- What theories is the project using and why- Was this project successful or not, why
4 Provide in-text citations on your slides and references list as your final list slide. you are not required to provide a voice-over for referencing
Part 2This task is designed for three main objectives:
1 for you to share your presentation with a peer
2 to gain experience providing feedback to a peer3 to receive feedback in addition to what you received from the teacher.
Peer Review Checklist1 Appropriate selection of community development project.2 Quality of the research, description, and analyses3 The relevance of causes and impact4 Clarity, flow and concise of presentation5 Correct citation and referencing style6 Overall comments.
TasksFrom Sunday 20 September the teacher will email you the links to two of your peers' presentations
2 Reviews the presentations and upload your feedback
In your feedback look for the positive. if you want to provide a recommendation for further consideration or improvement then justify your response.
Will send you the resources material if you require