3 Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. We need to take into account not...

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Could you please read the file and need to use any three to four topics from modules.

3 Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. We need to take into account not only time and space, but other elements of diversity to collaborate effectively for organisational outcomes. In such complex environments much can be learned by observing and analysing the decision-making process of business managers. This task requires you to select a decision you have observed in the workplace and using theory gained from Modules 1-6 on Blackboard, undertake a comprehensive critical analysis and evaluation of the decision maker and the decision-making process. This assessment has been designed to: Critically reflect on the application of key concepts and theories of the analysis of a decision from your current or previous workplace. In doing so, you MUST consider a meaningful work challenge that you observed another person or persons make. If you do not have previous workplace management experience, then you must analyse the group decision-making processes undertaken by your team in Assessment task 2. In successfully completing this assessment task you are to: ▪ Evaluate the sources of data, and the use of data analytics to identify trends/ patterns that form the evidence for the decision-maker. ▪ Show visualisation of the decision-making process, and analytics to support the decision making; ▪ Select between three decision-making theories and concepts from within the subject modules and show their application in analyzing the decision. Evaluate how the decision would be the same/ different by using different theories or concepts. ▪ Present the findings of your results in a business style report that includes clear headings to guide the reader and visualisation of the data sources/trends/ patterns, and is underpinned with evidence from relevant contemporary literature. ▪ Reference according to the APA reference style guide PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended that you discuss the selected decision with your learning facilitator to ensure efficacy of the assessment task. Report format Cover Sheet: 1. Executive summary: 150 words maximum. The executive summary is a summation of the report. Included are the case being analysed; the data and evidence collected; the theories used and associated conclusion; and the overall findings. 2. Table of contents. 3. Introduction: 200 words maximum. The introduction will present the reader with a clear and concise understanding of the following: 1. What is the report about; 2. What theories will be used; 3 Your concise conclusion; and 4 The structure of the submission 4. Analysis and evaluation: 1600 words maximum. In this section you will analyse and evaluate the decision-making process using selected theories and concepts. 5. Conclusion: 200 words maximum. In this section you will provide a concise summation of your analysis and conclusion(s). 6. References: A minimum of 10 academic references are required from seminal sources and books. Appendix: If required. 8. NOTE: This submission is to be presented in report format. Any tables prepared may be included in the body of the report but must be clearly and concisely discussed aspart of the analysis. Alternatively, the table should be identified and discussed in the text/body and included in an appendix. Modules: The Rational Decision Maker Simon’s Normative Model Individual vs. Group Decision Making Confirmation Bias Heuristics Anchoring Logic vs Intuition Human Decision Making Decision Tree Analysis The Rational Choice Model (RCM) The Balanced –Wise Decision Maker Differences between an individual’s decisions and group -based decisions • Ways of working: groups versus teams • Understanding group dynamics • Ways of dealing with groups, teams in decision making • Cognitive Ease • Overcoming problems with group-based decision making Decision-making challenges: Group-think
Answered 1 days AfterAug 09, 2021

Answer To: 3 Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and...

Sayani answered on Aug 10 2021
146 Votes
Running Head: TOPICS FROM MODULES                            1
TOPICS FROM MODULES                                     2
Executive Summary
Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with continuous advancement in the technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. The organisation hence, need to focus not only in the time and space but also in other components of diversity to collaborate effectively for organisational outcomes. Therefore, in such a complex circumstances suitable and applicable decision
-making process of a business manager is utmost important.
This report paper has analysed and evaluated the three major concept of decision-making process, which includes Human decision-making, individual vs group decision-making and decision tree analysis. It has put forwarded the ideas and several theories these concepts contain and even highlighted that how these concepts can be applied in analysing the decision in any organisation. Through these concepts, several theories and models about the decision-making process have been discussed in this report finally inferring with a logical conclusion.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    4
Human Decision-Making Concept    4
Simulation Model of Human Decision-Making Concept    5
Decision Tree Analysis    6
Computation Model    7
Individual Vs Group Decision-Making    9
Advantages and Disadvantages of Individual Decision-Making Process    9
Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision-Making Process    10
Conclusion    11
References    12
Decision-making is the process of making choice by identifying the correct decisions, gathering information and assessing alternative resolution. By using the systematic decision-making process, any organisation or other farms can make more deliberate and thoughtful decision by organising relevant and reliable information and defining the alternatives. . Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with continuous advancement in the technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time.
The organisation hence, need to focus not only in the time and space but also in other components of diversity to collaborate effectively for organisational outcomes. This report paper will analyse and evaluate three major concept of decision-making process, which includes Human decision-making, Individual Vs Group decision-making and Decision tree analysis. Through these concepts, several theories and models about the decision-making process will be discussed inferring with a logical conclusion.
Human Decision-Making Concept
A decision is an act of choice wherein an executive or the organisation forms a conclusion about what must be done in a given situation and what not to be done. Decision-making can be considered as a problem-solving activity, which is terminated by a solution deemed as being satisfactory. As stated by Groeneveld et al. (2017), human decision-making concept depends on the human behaviour while taking a particular decision. Human behaviour refers to the formation of any physical action that is observable with emotions and is associated with the individual.
These individual experienced their behaviour throughout their lifetime and it includes social norms, culture, faith, belief, attitude, perspectives, conceptions and many more. Organisation solely depends on the staffs or other employees to produce and express their decision-making concepts, which directly emerges from their inner-self, which is guided by the human behaviours. No doubt, while working in any organisation, an individual experiences a lot of challenges and problematic circumstances but that should be dealt tactfully with appropriate decision-making skills.
As stated by Jarrahi (2018), the artificial intelligence has penetrated many organisational processes, which results in the growing fear that smart machine will soon replace the human in decision-making process. As per this source of evidence, along with the data provided in this article, it clearly suggests that, in terms of proactive and pragmatic perspectives, the complementarity of the human along with the artificial intelligence can be highlighted.
These can be examined that how each of them with their strength can contribute in any organisational decision-making process, which should be featured, by uncertainty, complexity and equivocality. Therefore, finally it ended up with the solution that artificial intelligence should be designed with the intention of augmenting the human contribution rather than totally replacing it (Duan, Edwards & Dwivedi, 2019)    
Simulation Model of Human Decision-Making Concept
An automatic control theory model can be applied to this concept of human decision-making process, which allows to develop and to improve the decision-making process in term of the specificity of human intellectual in different condition. As per evidence and literature it highlights that the main distinguishing feature between the most common intuitive as well as the rational decision-making model is the presence of the so-called phenomena “enrichment” of the input information of the human behavioural skills and that are propensity, hobbies, expectation, tendencies,...

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