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Cooper, CoryW5 LabCS-206 Exercise 1 (Note: for Lab 4 to 8 you need to install μVision4 from www.keil.com. See the notes on the next page to download.) Exercise 1: A word consists of the bytes b4, b3, b2, b1. Write a function to re‐order (transpose) these bytes in the order b1, b3, b2, b4. As you can see, the outer bytes have been transposed and the inner two bytes are unchanged. We could shift the word 24 bits right to get 0,0,01,b4 We could shit the original word 24 bits left to get b1,0,0,0 We could mask the original word to 0,b3,b2,0. Finally, by ORing these three values, we get b1,b3,b2,b4. We can do masking with BIC (bits set in the second operand clear corresponding source bits). The following demonstrates the simulator output. PLEASE WRITE THE FUNCTION AND PROVIDE A SCREEN SHOT LIKE THE FOLLOWING BELOW WITH ANY OTHER INFO OR COMMENTS ABOUT THE CODE! THANK YOU. NEED A BETTER GRADE THAN A C-! NOTES: Hello all, For MDK version 5, since there is no options for legacy device database or ARM7, please download it from the link below in addition to the MDK version 5: http://www2.keil.com/mdk5/legacy/ Additionally, I found these tutorials that were helpful to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=440&v=Sm6v9UyhCkA http://www2.keil.com/docs/default-source/default-document-library/mdk5-getting-started.pdf?sfvrsn=2[NC,L] http://alanclements.org/usingkeilsimulator.html Below link might help someone out dealing with Errors: http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/armerr/armerr_dom1365071831285.htm Dr. Dang