(Convergence: Examples and counterexamples). A sequence {ξn, n ∈ N} converges setwise to ξ , if for any A ∈ X , limn→∞ ξn(A) = ξ (A).
(a) Show that total variation convergence implies setwise convergence
(b) Set X = R. Show that the sequence {δ1/n ,n ∈ N ∗} converges weakly to δ0 but does not converge setwise.
(c) Let X = [0,1] and let ξn denote the probability measure with density x 7→ 1 + sin(2πnx) with respect to Lebesgue measure on [0,1]. Show that the sequence {ξn, n ∈ N} converges setwise to the uniform distribution on [0,1] but does not converge in the total variation distance.
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